"Run away baby"

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Louis (pov)

"Dad maybe you shouldn't drink another one." I say innocently.

"Shut the fuck up you don't tell me what the hell to do! You're nothing but a piece of faggot trash Louise." My dad screams at me smacking me across my cheek.

He pops the cap off his 8th beer and plops himself on the sofa kicking his feet up on the end table. I hate the way he just lies there. What a peice of shit, I think too myself.

Ever since mom died dads acted worse than he usually did. He's always been a drunk and despised me for being gay, but now that she's gone he works double and gets drunk every day after work, and the worst part is, he hits me and tosses me around like im nothing.

Before mom died she told me too do what ever dad tells me and too always be myself around others. I miss her a lot, every day matter of fact. Since she died, leaving me with my drunk father I started cutting myself. I cut myself mostly everyday just too soothe the pain inside me.

No one knows what i do too myself, not even my best friend harry. Harry and I've known eachother for about 10 years now. I tell him everything but not this. He'd hate me for ever I know it.

As I head up stairs I make my way too my bathroom and grab the sharp razor blade. Bringing it too my wrist, I stop and think for a second and bring it up too my neck.

"Nobody needs me, I'm nothing, I'm useless, and nobody will miss me if I'm gone." I say aloud staring myself in the mirror.

Trying too have the courage too push the blade into cutting my neck, I just can't do it, so I stick with my wrists for now. I can't even look at myself, I hate the way I look. I hate myself. Harry wouldn't love somebody like me.

I know I shouldn't love my bestfriend more than a friend but he's the only thing that I look forward too every day, believe it or not he keeps me alive.


Harry's (pov)

"Harry, what the hell is this shit?" My mother says holding up my history test.

"Mom it's only a 90." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"You're such a fuck up. Just like your father you no that!" She says crumbling the history test.

Ever since dad left mom for some other chick mom has been rude, hateful and all the above. I don't do anything to deserve the way she treats me. She's always going on about how she was captain of the debate team, always made straight A's and all this other crap. I do my best in school every single day and she just always has something negative to say.

If it weren't for my best friend Louis, I'd probably run away. I'd run away just to be free from this hell that I live in. I love Louis a lot but I'm sure he doesn't love me like that. I know he's gay but I can't make a move on him because he's my best friend. Id ruin our hole friendship.

Ignoring my mom, I walk to the fridge and grab a soda and pop it open. Mom is still blabbering about something but I tend too block her out. Pulling out my phone I begin to text Louis without thinking.

To Louis: Do you want to hangout with me at our special place?

From Louis: Of course I'll meet you there in 20 minutes.

To Louis: Alright see ya.

Louis and I have this special place we go to when we wanna be alone and just talk about our problems. It just gives us time to ourself.

Grabbing my car keys I go outside to my car and drive off.

Walking too our special place louis is already there sitting on our rock looking out at the lake. He looks so damn beautiful. He always does. Walking towards him I sit next to him and greet him.

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