"My Protector"

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Louis (pov)
As I'm walking home from school I can't help but day dream about the beautiful boy Harry Styles. He's so gorgeous I can't help but fancy over him. I know he doesn't know I exist but I can still dream right?

He's captain of the footie team and is friends with the all the popular kids, while I'm the nerdiest boy in school who wears glasses and suspenders with thighs the size of Russia.

He'd never go for someone like me, hell, he's probably not even gay he's smoking hot and could pretty much get any girl he wants.

I continued to walk down the side walk but stopped when I saw my own personal bullies, Liam, Zayn, and Luke. I tried best not too be spotted but it was no use they'd already seen me.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here boys." Liam states cockily too his mates briskly walking over too me.

"Just leave me alone, please, I don't want any trouble guys." I mumble under my breath trying move past the three muscular rather tall boys.

"Now just wait a second Louise, where the hell do you think you're going?" Liam says pushing me back slightly.

"It's Louis, and uh, Im going home if you will." I stuttered out once again trying too break past them.

"Now hold on Louise, we just want too talk too you for a little bit." Zayn says ruffing up my hair. "Yeah we just want too talk too you Louise." luke adds smirking.

Frantically trying too come up with an escape plan, I barely come up with something within the next minute or so. Swiftly grabbing my bag full of textbooks I sling it across the three and immediately run for my life!

"Hey come back here Louise!" Liam shouts clutching his stomach, while he and his mates chase after me.

I swear too you I've never ran this fast in my life. I stupidly look back in fear too see where the three bullies are and being the clumsy person I am i trip over my feet hard on the ground.

"Owe!" I yelled in pain.

Too my death wish liam appears by my side and hovers over me.

"You...thought..you...could escape us?" Liam asked smirking, laughing with his boys.

"What do you want Liam? What ever it is I'll get it just don't hurt me anymore. Please." I pleaded out of breath.

"Tsk-tsk-tsk, you see I like hurting you it gives me a since of relieve. Now pick him up boys!" Liam shouts at them.

"Plea- I tried too say but was cut off when liams fist rammed into my stomach multiple times, and at my face.

At this point I could barely stand up, I was getting very dizzy. The strong boys grip softened as he pushed me on the ground. Once again liam comes too my side and begins too kick me, out of instantly I curl up in a ball and just take it like a man.

"Hey don't you think he's had enough?" Zayn says I think, but everything was a blur at this point.

"I'll decide when he's had enough man!" Liam shouts at him.

"Liam come on!" Zayn shouted.

"Guys come on, here comes somebody lets go!" Luke says franticly running away while the rest of them follow.

"This isn't over Louise!" Liam shouts back.


Harrys (pov)

So right now I'm walking down the street, and I stumble upon a book bag, and textbooks sprawled out all over the side walk. Whose are these and why are they here? I wonder too myself. Picking up the sturdy math book I open it up too read whose book this might be. Louis Tomlinson is what the book had read.

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