"Our vacation"

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Harry's (pov)

"So what are you doing babe?" I asked my boyfriend louis.

"Nothing babe, I'm just looking at beach places on the Mac." he said.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know I guess i just miss the beach. I mean I lived there half my life." He said focusing on the Mac.

"Ohh well what beaches are you looking at?" I asked forming an idea.

"Hawaii beaches." he said grinning.

"Oh let me look too!" I said smiling.

"Okay babe."

While me and louis sat and looked at beaches in Hawaii I got to thinking. What if I surprised louis and took us on vacation! This is like the best idea I've came up with in years. I thought to myself. Lou would absolutely love it. I can just imagine Lou and I on vacation. Filled with fun and sex!

Louis and I kept looking at the beaches and then Lou said he was a little tired and that he was gonna hit the hay.

"Alright harry i'm going to hit the hay. You coming?" he asked.

"Yeah babe I'll be up in a few." I said kissing him on the lips.

"Okay babe goodnight."

"Goodnight baby." I said

Louis got up from the couch to walk up stairs and I slapped his bum just for the fun of it.

"Harry!" he squealed.

"Sorry babe your ass is hot I had to go for it." I said smirking.

"What ever harry." he said laughing going upstairs.

I waited for louis to go upstairs then I immediately got back on the Mac and looked for a hotel room, and a flight.

I ended up booking a flight for Friday to Hawaii and got a hotel right on the beach. Today's Tuesday, so that gives us two days to pack and go on vacation. I can't wait to tell Lou. Well I'm gonna hit the hay and go sleep with my baby now! I said to my self.


The next morning I woke up to my boobear moaning softly in his sleep. I didn't surprise myself when I got hard.

"Mmm harry." he moaned in his sleep.

I decided to mess with him a little so I responded.

"Yes baby?" I said sexily.

"Mmm please f!ck me good babe."he moaned turning me on even more.

I noticed a small tent in the sheets. Oh my god. Lou was having a boner in his sleep and I get to watch! I decided not to keep this going so I told him to wake up.

"I will. just wake up for me. come on,wake up baby." I said.

He woke up startled and confused it was so precious.

"Uhh- harry what's going on?" he asked.

"Oh nothing you just were moaning in your sleep telling me to f!ck you good and getting hard." I said smirking.

"Oh my god, this is so imbarrasing!" he said hiding his face in the sheets.

"No it's not babe. It's hot and sexy." I said pulling the sheet down hiding his face.

"Would you like me to make that dream come true?" I asked smirking.

"Yes please." he said shyly.

I find it really cute that Lou still is shy,blushes,and gets imbarrassed around me still.

I straddled louis waist and dipped my head down to his neck nibbling his ear, grinding my dick against his cock and kissing down his neck. I sucked hard on his neck leaving a small purple bruise on his neck.

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