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We run down the street towards the motorbikes. 

"Which one's yours?" Nat asks Yelena as we get close.

"Black, brown seat. Where are my keys?" She asks when we get there. Nat takes the keys out and sits down first." Suka." Ah, bitch She mutters. A tank suddenly smashes around the corner and I get on the bike.

"Three people on a bike, how illegal can we get?" I say as Yelena gets on. Nat revs the motorbike and the tires screech as she takes off, taking a quick turn down the alleyway. The tank follows us quickly and I keep looking behind, thinking of a way we'd be able to get out of this. A blue van suddenly pulls up in front and Nat takes a quick turn, changing direction and onto an actual road. 

Another motorbike pulls up, with the fully black dress code that they were wearing, they didn't mean good news. I go to take a pistol out but instincts tell me not yet. Nat pulls out in front of a tram and we barely cut before it, stopping ourselves from getting shot by the motorbike driver. We get thrown off the bike suddenly when we get rammed into the banister of the stairway, rolling over cars and the floor.

We all three get up quickly and a Hungarian gets out of his car, asking if we were okay. Yelena gets her gun out and points it at him, making him move away from his own car.

"fantasztikus." Fantastic She says, getting into the car and moving over as I get into the back.

"You can't just steal a guy's car." Nat complains, getting in the front seat.

"So you want me to chase him down and un-steal it?" Yelena asks.

"Aerus, help me out!" Nat says.

"No, no- she's got a point." I say. There's shooting at the back window of the car and I duck.

"Okay. Anytime now, please." Yelena says.

"Shut up." Nat reverses into the car behind before driving between other cars, trying to get away from the motorbike. 

"We're driving in the middle of the road!" I point out.

"Air, unless you've got something good to say, keep it shut-" Nat narrowly swerves another car going the right way. The back windscreen suddenly breaks to more shooting and both me and Yelena duck.

"Okay, you got a plan or are me and Aerus on duck-and-cover?" She asks, annoyed.

"Yeah, my plan was to drive us away." Nat says.

"It's a shit plan." Yelena says.

"Turn the car a 180 and kick your door out." I tell Yelena.

"What the-" Before Nat can even finish her sentence, the other girl understands what I mean, taking the wheel, she turns the car a 180 and after a moment kicks her door out. It smashes off against a sign post and takes out the motorbike. I sigh and sit back in my seat as Nat turns the car back forwards.

"You're welcome." I mutter to Nat. We drive for another moment and when I look around I see the tank again. "You have got to be shitting me." I mutter.

"Put your seat belt on." Nat orders the two of us.

"You're such a mom." Yelena says as we both do so. I look back and see the armoured figure from the fight on the bridge. They take out a bow and one single arrow.  

"Oh shit..." They aim the arrow and it flies underneath the car and the only thing I remember thinking was something along the lines of-


I mean, who doesn't love how my mind works? 

When I open my eyes, I see Nat pulling me out from one of the broken windows of the upside down car.

"Hey, you okay?" She asks as I get up. I look around for a second. It was an underground station. I recognised it.


"No. Not now, trust me." She takes me and Yelena's hand and we slide down the middle of escalators. We can hear screaming as we do so and I look behind and see a little gift coming our way.

"DUCK." I tell the two of them. When we get to the bottom they both roll and I duck as the shield flies pass. Nat grabs the both of our hands again. "We're not five-" 

"Remember where we hid for those days here?" I look up at the ventilation system above us as she says it. 

"You okay?" Nat asks as Yelena leans against one of the ventilator sides. I wrap the cloth she had around her wound tightly.

"Yeah. Great plan. I love the part where I almost bled to death." Yelena says sarcastically. I smirk at the comment. "What about you?" She looks over at me.

"I've been in worse crashes." I shrug as I tie it up.

She nods. "This is cosy." She says looking around.

"Barton, Shaw and I spent two days hiding out up here." Nat says, looking down through the system at figure.

"That must've been fun." Yelena says, I notice her see me and Clint's game of noughts and crosses and hangman scratched out on the side.

"Who the hell is that guy?" 

"Dreykov's special project, he can mimic anyone he's ever seen. It's like fighting a mirror. Dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions."

"Is that meant to be a compliment? 'Cause I don't see it." I say.

"This doesn't make any sense." Nat carries on, not paying attention to my comment. 

"Well, the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details." I know where this is going without even looking at either of the girls.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You didn't say one word about Dreykov's daughter." Yelena says. "You killed her."

"I had to." Nat says. "I needed her to lead me to Dreykov." 


I was sat down on one of the rooftops, watching the building. I was on lookout. Any last minute issues or problems? That was on me. I look through the binoculars and wait patiently.

"Dreykov's daughter was collateral damage. I needed her to be sure." 

I didn't even notice the little girl walking out until it was too late. If I'd been paying attention, it may have been a little bit different of a story. 

"Natasha, are we all clear?" Clint asks on the radio. There's a moment of silence as I look through the binoculars, at the moment still not seeing any issues.

"All clear." And that's when it all happened. The running away. The hiding out for days. The fighting.

"And here you are." Yelena says. "Not so sure." 

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