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I wake up suddenly and look around in confusion, our clock saying six in the morning. I sigh and look down at the girl who laid on top of me. There's a loud knock at the front door and I let out a groan. 

I somehow got away with getting up without waking her up, which was a bonus. I walked down the stairs and the knocking continued, and I already knew who it was. Not many people would knock on the door non-stop at six in the morning. Not even delivery drivers. I kick the two locks off the bottom the door and take out a gun from the cabinet, opening up to see what's inside. It was an old gun. Automatic revolvers didn't seem to turn up that often. 

I walk into my lounge and look out the field, Fanny runs around, keep the sheep in their pens. I hear the door unlock after it being picked out. You'd have to be skilled at that to unlock the door, huh. Almost as if you'd done it before. I turn around, still in my bath robes, facing the girl. I aim the gun at her, of who was a mirror of what I was doing- minus the bath robe.

"Long time no see." I say. "Did you close the front door?" I ask her.

"Of course." Nat says as we walk in a circle, both aiming guns at each other. "It's been a while..." She says. I stay silent. "Put the gun down and I'll put mine down." 

"You first." I say.

She smirks, knowing just how this'll end. "How can I trust you?" 

"Because I'm married to your sister?" I say. "And if she found out I shot you, I think that'll be a weird divorce paper to complete..." 

She drops the gun suddenly. "And you didn't invite me?" 

"Wasn't my idea." I say, dropping my own, putting it on the side.

"Is she pleased to see us, or is that a gun in her hand?" I hear my wife ask from the doorway.

"She tried to shoot me also." Nat says.

"Not with that gun, they weren't. That's got blanks in it." Yelena says as I walk past her to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. 

"You've both done something with your hair. I don't like it." I hear Natasha say.

"Air got it cut short so they won't look obvious, I've grown mine out- what's the problem?" I hear Yelena ask.

"They looked better with the grown out look." There's a silence in the whole house before 'Lena breaks it. 

"Don't trip up on your way out." Yelena tells her sister before walking her way back towards the stairs, probably wanting to go back to bed. 

I yawn as I wait for the kettle to boil.

"What?" Nat asks, walking into the kitchen. "You're not gonna ask why I'm here?"

"Not worth either of our time." I sigh, hearing the kettle make a popping sound. I turn and make the cup of tea before turning back to Natasha.

"We have a plan-" 

"Me too." I say in agreement. "A plan of going to do my farming." I walk pass her and up the stairs to our room, handing the cup of tea over to Yelena before walking back downstairs to a mad Natasha.

"Aerus, I'm talking about bringing them back." I stop in my tracks and turn back to her.

"They're gone- sorry. Anyways, we're kinda out of shape for the fighting thing." I tell her before walking into the lounge, opening up the back door. "FANNY." I whistle for her and the dog's head turns her head to me. Running over she get's a little excited to see me again. I let the dog in and leave the back door open as she runs up the stairs to see her mom. 

"Clint's gone rouge." Nat says, stopping me from walking away from her with her hand on my shoulder. "He's been killing and killing- no one's stopping him." 

"I'm not the one who's experienced enough to stop him." I say, turning my head to her, an eyebrow raised. 

"We're making a team, we're going to bring them back." She says.

"How do we know it's gonna work?" I ask her.

"We don't." She says honestly.

I sigh and think. "'Lena doesn't want one of us to fight without the other." I tell the girl.

"That should be easy... Just have to get her interested..." Nat murmurs. "So, what month did you get married in?" She asks as Fanny runs back down the stairs, jumping around me. 

"January." I say, watching the dog run out to the field.

"You argued in the battlefield about June, July and August.. To get married in January?" 


"Do you think it'll work?" Yelena asks.

"We have to give it a try." Nat replies.

"Not you." Yelena says. "Air, you're being uncharacteristically quiet and not sarcastic." 

"Sorry, I think I hurt their ego." Nat murmurs.

"Wow, you're still a pain in the ass- just like I remember." I mutter, turning back to the two of them. "I was totally fine with the plan, up until I heard about time travel." I say, sitting down next to Yelena.

"Stark said he knows what he's doing-" 

"Stark also signed the accords, didn't he get like a kid involved as well-" I begin.

"Okay, okay- he's made mistakes. But he's sure of this." Nat says, making me sigh. I turn to Yelena of who shrugs.

"I'll do it if you're gonna do it." She tells me.

"Not helping my choice." I tell her.

"Whoops." She says, taking a sip of my tea. 

"Okay. Fine then." I say, turning to Nat. "We'll go." 

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