Chapter Four

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Kuroo holds up his glass and we all follow suit apart from Mina. Her eyes are focused on Bokuto and me. Her hands are tucked under her chin, a small smile on her face. Kuroo gently nudges her arm and she snaps from her gaze, not before giving me a wink.

She raises her glass to meet ours. Kuroo looks around the table at each of us.

"Cheers to finally catching up after all of these years." He says.

"Cheers." We all say together.

Bokuto throws back the wine like it's water. Kuroo sighs, dropping his head forward. I laugh while taking a sip from my drink. Bokuto puts the glass down and gives me a toothy smile. Mina stares at him with amazement.

"You haven't changed," I comment as Bokuto attempts to grab the bottle of wine.

Kuroo pulls it out of his reach. "I didn't buy nice wine for you to shot it like cheap tequila."

"Why don't we have a nice dinner and then go back to ours and drink?" Mina suggests. "You two don't have any plans tomorrow, right?"

I shake my head. "Nope, I'm happy to drink with you guys."

"I'm down. I think the last time I drank with you two was back in university."

I cringe a little. "That was so long ago. This is very long overdue."

"Bet I could still beat both of you at beer pong," Kuroo says.

The waiter shows up at our table, giving the four of us a strange look before taking our orders. He leaves very quickly.

"I don't think we will be welcome back here again," I say.

"Should've gotten take out and kept you two behind closed doors." Kuroo sighs.

"We're not the one that scared the waiter. Did you see the look on his face after your beer ping comment?" I fire back.

"You know what we're like when we are together," Bokuto says. "Age is never going to change that. This is your own fault, bro."

My phone suddenly chimes. I check it as Kuroo and Bokuto start an argument. A message pops up from (bf/n). My heart clenches and I try to hide the displeasure on my face. He never messages me when he's at work.

Are you going home tonight?

I sigh and make a quick reply.

I'm not sure yet. We might be going back to Kuroo's place to have a couple of drinks.

We? Is that Bokuto guy there?

He is. Kuroo didn't tell me he was coming.

I lie, guilt washes through me. I'm not any better than him right now.


I put my phone down on the table and try to calm down the emotion raging inside of me. I'm not going to ruin this night with my relationship problems.

The waiter quickly drops off our food, probably not wanting to stick around to hear anything else weird from us four.

My phone is silent. Looks like he has given up and relief washes over me. I'm free for the moment.

Bokuto leans over my shoulder, sticking his fork into my food before I have a chance to protest. He shovels the food into his mouth, nodding in approval.

"That tastes a lot better than what I ordered." He says.

"Let me try some of yours." I inch my fork towards his plate, being careful not to stab him. The last thing I want to do is injure a professional volleyball player.

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