Chapter Thirteen

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Bokuto slings his arm around my shoulders as we walk into the volleyball training centre. A group of guys stand on the other side, huddled in a tight circle.

"Hey, look who it is?" Bokuto suddenly yells from beside me.

A few heads turn in our direction. A particular bright orange-haired guy is already running towards us.

"(Y/N)!" He yells at the top of his lungs.

He basically tackles me backward, pulling me away from Bokuto. 

"Wow, you've really grown," I comment as I manage to wriggle myself free from his death hug.

He slaps his hands down on my shoulders and grins down at me. "It's been too long since I last saw you. I've missed seeing you around the court."

"I've missed being around the court."

Another face appears next to Hinata's. A lazy smirk is already plastered over his face, he shoots me a quick wink.

"Who would've thought I'd be seeing your lovely face again." Atsumu comments.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest. "I forgot that you were even in the Black Jackals," I say.

His face drops. "Does that mean you haven't been watching Bokuto play?"

I see Bokuto pop up behind the two of them with a look of sadness in his eyes. I move away from the two boys and back over to Bokuto. His eyes are still fixed on me waiting for an answer.

"Of course, I've seen all of Bokuto's game. I'm his number one fan, always have been and always will be."

Bokuto's face breaks out into a wide grin as he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "I'll train even harder with you being here. We are going to win all of our games from now on." He declares.

"Alright, Bokuto." A man's voice comes from the other of the court. "I will hold that against you. Now, hurry up and get ready."

Bokuto places me down but grabs onto my hand. He pulls me over to the rest of the team and quickly introduces me to everyone before running off to the locker room.

The coach comes to stand beside me as I make myself comfortable on the sidelines.

"Never thought I'd see the day that he would get a girlfriend." The older man comments.

I clear my throat a little as I feel my cheeks start to heat up. "We're just friends," I state.

The coach looks down at me with wide eyes. "Oh... does he know that?"

"Yes, we've been friends for years. I used to help them train, I was a team manager at Nekoma." I explain.

He nods. "Right, sorry I just assumed you two were together from the way he speaks about you. I apologize."

I wave him off. "It's okay."

The guys come out of the locker room, all ready to train. Bokuto runs over to me, jogging on the spot. He's got so much energy. 

"You're gonna be cheering me on, right?" He asks.

I nod. "I always will but this is only training."

He gives me a quick nod before jogging back over to Hinata's side. The two start messing around which earns them a telling-off from their coach. I lean back on the bench and giggle a little to myself. 

I watch the team as they train, Bokuto always seizing the opportunity to sneak away and speak with me. His coach is either very patient with him or just can't be bothered dealing with his antics today.

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