Chapter Eight

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"Well, look at the two of you." A loud voice says.

I blink my eyes open and look over at the doorway to see Kuroo standing there with a smug smile on his face.

"What do you mean?" I groan sitting up.

He points to the end of the bed. My eyes slowly drift to where he is pointing. Bokuto is sleeping across the end of the bed with my legs over his back. His face is buried into a pillow.

"He looks pretty comfortable to me," I say.

"Did you really make him sleep down there?" Kuroo asks.

I gently remove my legs from his back and slip from the bed. "I didn't. Last I remember he fell asleep beside me."

Kuroo and I step out of the room.

"What were you two up to after we went to bed?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me.

I punch him in the arm. "Shut up. We didn't do anything, we talked for a bit. That's all."

"Whatever you say. I saw how you were eyeing him up last night."

The smell of bacon and coffee hit my senses as we step into the kitchen. Mina gives me a cheery smile, slipping a plate towards me.

"Eat up, the moving trucks are scheduled for 8." She informs me.

"Should I go and wake Bokuto up then?" I ask.

"It might be a good idea. He's not too good at waking up." Kuroo says, taking my plate.

Mina quickly swats him away and hands him his own plate. He leans across placing a kiss on her cheek. I smile at them before jumping off my seat and darting back to the bedroom.

Bokuto has moved since I left. That didn't take long. He was snuggled up in the blankets where I had been only moments ago, he looks so peaceful when he sleeps. I kneel down next to the bed and place a hand on his shoulder.

"Bo, time to wake up," I whisper to him.

He groans and his face scrunches up but he doesn't wake up. I try again, shaking him a little. Nothing. I sigh and use a bit more force.

"Bokuto, wake up," I yell at him.

He remains asleep. I can't believe it. Kuroo walks in and places a hand on his hip, shaking his head. He takes a quick sip of his coffee.

"I should've done this. He's a heavy sleeper."

"You could've told me. How do you wake him up?" I ask.

"Oh, I have a couple of tactics I use. Some are not always pleasant but they work like a charm." He explains.

"Elaborate, please?"

"You can jump on him, throw water on him, tickle his feet, put Lev's dirty volleyball socks under his nose. It's a long list."

"What one are we going to use?" I stare down at the sleeping man.

"Kiss him," Kuroo says.

I look at him shocked. "You kiss him."

"I think he would much prefer you to kiss him awake than me."

"I have a boyfriend."

"I have a fiance."

"You two do weird shit together all the time. I'm sure at one point you've kissed before." I say.

He goes quiet for a moment. "Hold my coffee." He hands me the cup. "Watch this."

Before Kuroo has a chance to get anywhere near Bokuto, he is up and out of bed. He narrows his eyes at Kuroo.

Feel Again (Bokuto X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora