Chapter Twelve

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Kuroo and I are locked in a staring battle over the kitchen island. Mina moves around the kitchen almost zombie-like. 

"You'd think that after all of these years, you'd learn how to control that bed hair of yours," I comment.

He narrows his eyes at me. "That's rich coming from someone who is in love with her best friend." He shoots back.

"I never said I loved you." I sneer.

"Not me you idiot," Kuroo says not breaking eye contact. "Bokuto."

Mina lets out a dramatic sigh as she slides onto the chair beside me. "It's too early for the two of you to be like this."

"He started it when he body-slammed me," I say.

"I said I'd wake you up. you never specified how you wanted to be woken up." 

I shake my head. "I would've assumed that you throwing all your body weight on me while I was in a peaceful slumber, would be out of the question." 

He just gives an innocent shrug. "Dreaming of Bokuto, were you?"

I grab the apple from beside me and raise it, getting ready to throw it at his head. "Don't push your luck, rooster head."

He places his hands on either side of his face. "Oh, Bokuto, please fuck me." He puts on his most feminine voice.

"You two are like children." Mina comments before biting into her toast.

"Slap my ass like you spike that volleyball." Kuroo keeps going. 

I jump from my seat and proceed to chase him around the kitchen, apple still tight in my grip. 

"Why are you like this?" I yell at him.

"Fuck me in the locker room with your jersey on," Kuroo shouts as we do another lap.

I go to throw the apple at him when someone catches me around the waist. I swing around and come face to face with Bokuto. My face instantly turns red.

"Good morning, (y/n)." He greets me.

"M-morning," I get out.

"Fuck me," Kuroo moans out behind us.

Bokuto looks over at him, slightly confused. "Are you okay, bro?" He asks.

I flip him off and proceed to throw the apple at him. He manages to dodge it just in time. He sticks his tongue out at me. 

"Missed me." He cackles.

"I know where you sleep." I threaten him.

"And anything she does, I will not attempt to stop her," Mina adds.

Kuroo's face drops. "That's mean, you're meant to love me."

"Oh, I do but you started this. You're man enough to fight your own battles. I will not get involved in this."

"Thank you, Mina," I say with a smug smile. 

"We should get going," Bokuto pipes up. "Don't want to be late."

I nod. "Good idea." I step away from him, grabbing my bag. I shoot one last look at Kuroo. "Sleep with one eye open tonight."

He does an air spike followed by a quick wink. I flip him off one more time before Bokuto drags me from the house.

He opens the passenger door of what I assume is his car. It's nice. Looks fast. That may not be a good thing.

"Thank you," I say, slipping inside.

Bokuto jumps in, there is a grin plastered on his face as he starts the car. "I'm so happy that I get to spend the day with you."

"You'll be training and I'll be watching." I correct him.

He takes off down the street a little faster than he should. "Still, I get to be around you."

I turn my head to the side to hide the blush that is growing on my face. "I'm glad to be spending the day with you as well."

A deep laugh comes from him. "Good to hear. So, what were you and Kuroo talking about? Seemed like you were angry at him."

"He was just being Kuroo. It was nothing important." I say.

"You were chasing him around the kitchen bench with murder in your eyes." 

"He just said some stupid things plus he body-slammed me to wake me up this morning," I explain.

"I would've done the same."

 I turn and face him. "I swear you two were placed in my life to bring me pain and discomfort." 

He slips his hand from the steering wheel and onto my thigh. "You still love us though?" His attention is focused on the road ahead.

My face is burning hot as I stare down at his hand gripping my thigh. My mind goes blank for a moment before it trails off into wonderland.

Bokuto pulls the car down an empty street, cutting the engine as soon as it comes to a stop. He turns his attention to me. 

"You're so cute when you blush." He whispers leaning closer. 

I give a small nod as I watch as he licks his bottom lip. 

"Didn't think my hand on your thigh would make you so speechless." He chuckles.

Before I have time to respond, his lips are on mine. He brings his free hand up to my cheek, holding me in place. I melt into the kiss as my hands grip the front of his shirt. The force pushes me back and he is now leaning over me.

"I've always known you would taste sweet." He growls. 

A hand is waved in front of my face and his hand is no longer on my thigh. We have stopped at some traffic lights. 

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I shake my head. "I'm fine, still waking up."

He gives me a side-eye. "How are you feeling today?"

"As good as I can be. Thanks for the concern but I'm fine. I'm with you." 

This seems to satisfy him. "You can always call me if you need someone to talk to." He offers. "The guys are really looking forward to seeing you again. I rang them last night and told them that you were coming today."

"It will be good to catch up with all of them."

Bokuto grips onto my shoulder. "Don't forget you are here to cheer me on." He laughs.

I nudge him carefully. "I would never think of cheering on anyone else."

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