Chapter Ten

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A hand gently rocks me awake. My eyes slowly pry open and I look up at a grinning Kuroo. A heavy sigh leaves me.

"Did you have to wake me up?" I ask.

"I did," He whispers. "Look at how peaceful he is when he sleeps."

I move my eyes away from Kuroo and over to Bokuto. The oversized man child is fast asleep beside me, one hand gripping onto my shirt while his head is tucked in quite close to my neck.

"What did you two get up to? He looks pretty out of it." Kuroo snickers.

I swipe my arm out at him but he steps back in time, dodging it. "Nothing. He just came into comfort me."

"Whatever you say. Mina wanted me to come in and check on you. Did you still want to go to the beach? Maybe have dinner."

A yawn escapes me as I carefully sit up. The sky outside is starting to turn orange and red. "That would be nice."

Kuroo places his hand on my shoulder, taking a seat on the bed next to me. "Everything is going to be fine. You've got us."

"Thank you, it might just take a while to adjust. I feel so lost right now."

"You made the right choice. It's nice to have our friend back." He nudges my shoulder before standing up. "I woke him up last time so now it's your turn."

I let out a small groan. "That's unfair. You made it look so easy."

"Years of having to share a room with him during training camps." Kuroo states.

I pry Bokuto's hand from my shirt only for him to grab onto my wrist. He pulls me close and squeezing me into his chest.

"Kuroo, help." I wheeze out.

Kuroo cackles as I hear the sound of photo's being taken. "I'm going to add this to the collection."

I flip him off. "I thought you were meant to be my friend."

"I am. Good luck with waking him up." Kuroo says as he leaves the room.

I manage to wriggle so I can look up at his face. "Bokuto," I whisper.

He lets out a small groan in response but doesn't wake up. I try shaking him but nothing seems to work. Why is he such a heavy sleeper?

"Bo, if you don't wake up, Kuroo will come and kiss you," I whisper to him.


I groan in defeat. "Kuroo, help. I don't know what to do."


Bokuto lets out a grunt before rolling onto his back, freeing me. I slip from the bed and out of the room. Kuroo is standing in the kitchen with a sandwich in his hand. He raises an eyebrow at me.

"Did you manage to wake him up?"

I shake my head and snatch the sandwich from his hand. "Not in the slightest, he moved and I saw my chance to get away."

"Don't lie, you loved being held in his arms." He teases.

"Getting cosy with Bo, now are you?" Mina asks walking over to us.

I take a bite of the sandwich and look out the window, avoiding the two sets of eyes that are waiting for an answer from me.

"No, nothing like that."

"Kuroo, go wake up Bo. We are heading to the beach soon." Mina says.

Kuroo nods and steals his sandwich back as he walks by. Mina looks at me with a glint in her eyes.

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