Chapter Twenty Two

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Kuroo seems to have dragged me around every place in the city today. My whole body feels exhausted and all I want to do is crawl back into bed and fall asleep.

He pays for the bill at the restaurant and pulls his jacket back on.

"Right, lunch is over. Let's get back to work." He says.

I groan as I stand up. "Please can I just go home and sleep. I'm still dead from yesterday." I complain.

"You can sleep when you're dead." He says.

"Thanks," I answer sarcastically.

Jumping back in Kuroo's car we head to a different location. A huge building rises above some surrounding trees.

"Is this the volleyball arena?" I ask.

"Sure is. This is where the big game is happening tomorrow. Thought I'd show you around."

"Didn't know you were important enough to be able to do things like that."

He shoots me a side glance. A grin grows on his face. "I'm very important when it comes to volleyball." 

I roll my eyes watching his ego grow.

"I promise we'll go home after this. If you think yesterday and today were exhausting, wait until tomorrow."

"Is managing a team for a couple of hours that exhausting?" I ask generally curious.

"If the team wins, it's normal to go out and celebrate after the game. And those boys love to celebrate."

"Surely they can't be that bad."

Kuroo raises an eyebrow, parking outside the stadium front doors. "Have you ever seen a drunk Hinata before?"

"No, I don't think so." 

"He has ten times more energy than Bokuto. So you will need to be prepared for that." 

"What do they do if they lose?"

"Same thing. They will normally end up celebrating with the other team. Either way, tomorrow night after the game you will be managing drunk volleyballers."

We step into the arena and Kuroo shows me around the whole place. Where the Black Jackals locker room is, where I can keep my things, the emergency exits, medkits, and everything else I need to know.

By the time we finish up, it's already mid-afternoon. Kuroo lets out a small yawn and I catch him.

"Someone looks tired," I say.

"Okay, you caught me. I need to do a couple more things and then we will call it a day. I'm sure Bokuto will be done with his interviews soon."

My phone suddenly starts to ring and I see the coach's name appear. I quickly answer it.

"Hey, coach."

"That didn't take you long to answer. Are you still with Kuroo?"

"I am. What's up? Is Bokuto okay?" I ask.

"Can he bring you down to the gym? The interviewer wants to meet the new manager and ask a couple of questions if you're happy to do so."

"I mean that would be fantastic. I don't have my uniform yet. The lady said it will be ready tomorrow morning though."

"Ah, that's okay. We can just throw one of the boy's jackets on you so you look the part."

"I'm okay with that. We are about ten minutes away. We're just at the stadium."

"Perfect, see you two soon."

I end the call and Kuroo gives me a strange look.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, coach just wants me down at the gym to do an interview. Apparently, they want to ask the new manager a few questions."

Kuroo slaps the top of the car. "Well, we better get going then." 

Kuroo as usual speeds over to the gym. We rush inside where Bokuto is first to greet us. He basically tears his jacket from his body and wraps me in it. There is a huge proud smile on his face.

"Our manager is here." He calls out. "I'm so glad that you're here."

The coach comes running out from the back and takes me by the hand, leading me over to a small room.

Inside there is a lady and a couple of cameras. Her face lights up at the sight of me and I'm pushed down onto a chair. Bokuto is quick to take the one beside me.

"You must be the new manager of the Black Jackals." She says. "(y/n), am I correct?"

"Yes, you're correct. I heard you wanted to interview me."

"Of course. News spreads fast around the volleyball community and I wanted to get to know the new manager of the Black Jackals."

"The best manager we've ever had," Bokuto adds.

The lady turns her attention to Bokuto and raises an eyebrow. "I see she is wearing your jacket. Are you two more than manager and wing spiker?"

I go to open my mouth and Bokuto beats me to it. He puts his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in close. 

"We've been friends since high school. She actually went to a different school from me but she's always been my biggest fan."

"Does that mean you've always been interested in volleyball (y/n)?" The lady asks.

I give a nod. "I used to help manage a volleyball team when I was younger and my friends used to play all the time. It was hard not to like the sport."

"My sources tell me you went to Nekoma High School. Did you ever play on the girl's volleyball team?"

I shake my head. "I do better as a manager. I know a lot about the game but can't play to save my own life."

"What is it like working with all of these men?" 

I give off a shrug. "I guess I don't really notice if I'm being honest. They are great to work with and they are always working hard."

"How do you think the Black Jackals are going to go against the opposing team tomorrow night?"

Bokuto squeezes me.

"I have no doubt in my mind that they are going to smash the competition tomorrow night. I have been watching them practice and helping them train and I believe we are going to be the victorious team."

"It's been amazing speaking with you and I will be cheering on the Black Jackals tomorrow. Good luck!" She says wrapping up the interview.

She gets up and leaves the room. The cameras snap a couple of pictures of Bokuto and me. His arm still around my shoulders, holding me close to him. 

Eventually, the cameras leave, and Bokuto and I exit the room. Kuroo is sitting on the bench speaking with the coach. Both of them watch us as we walk over to them.

"All done?" Kuroo asks.

"Yeah, it was strange being interviewed," I say.

The coach nods his head. "I know the feeling. You just have to put a smile and answer a couple of boring questions." He whispers to me. "They were boring questions right?"

"She noticed I was wearing Bokuto's jacket and tried to steer the conversation that way but we managed to avoid it."

"Any sign of a relationship and they always pounce on it. I think that's why she wanted to speak with you. A female manager of an all-male volleyball team." The coach says. "Such a scandal." He rolls his eyes.

Kuroo looks between Bokuto and me. "I think it's time to take these two home. Get some rest before the big day tomorrow."

The coach claps his hands together. "Great idea. These boys need to rest up before the game. We need to win. I have a bottle of champagne at the bar with our name on it."

The coach walks off mustering the rest of the boys together. Bokuto, Kuroo, and I walk out of the gym. Bokuto's arm is still around me and I lean into his hold a little.

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