Chapter Nineteen

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We all sit around the dinner table. Bokuto sits close to me and watches his sisters with narrowed eyes as they put all of their attention on me.

"So, you're the new manager to the Black Jackals?" Tsubame questions.

I give a small nod as Ms. Bokuto hands me a plate with food on it. "Brand new. Only really started today."

"You'll have to put up with Koutaro every day, you know this right?" Suzume jokes.

I pat his bicep. "I know and I don't mind."

Suzume sighs. "The only woman that truly can handle this man child."

"Mom." Bokuto whines.

She laughs. "You know they are only teasing you to get a reaction."

He pouts. "I just thought they would grow out of it."

"Oh, Koutaro." Tsubame starts. "We will never grow out of teasing you. It's just too fun."

"I should've stayed at Kuroo's when I came back to town. He doesn't tease me as much as you two do." Bokuto says.

"But you love us too much to stay away." Suzume gives him a warm smile.

"Anyway, enough about you," Tsubame says as she turns her attention back to me. "I hear that some of Koutaro's teammates are pretty good-looking. Is that true?"

"Stay away from them," Bokuto says.

She waves him off and waits patiently for an answer from me.

I clear my throat. "Well, some of them I've known since high school so I look at them like that. But-"

"What do you mean but?" Bokuto butts in.

"(Y/n) is a single lady now," Suzume says. "She can look at all the men she likes."

He opens his mouth and then immediately closes it. He shifts uncomfortably as he looks down at his plate.

"But some of them might be your taste Tsubame. I'm their manager. I can't be looking at them in that way. I'm meant to be professional."

She sighs. "I guess I'll just have to come to the game on Saturday and find out for myself."

"So professional that we caught Bokuto and you sleeping in the same bed last night." Suzume laughs.

Bokuto's mother turns to us with eyes wide open. "Are you two still doing that?"

My face flushes bright red. "A lot has happened over the last couple of days and Kou was just comforting me."

"Her ex-boyfriend threw a rock through Kuroo's living room window. That's why we are staying here."

The three women pause and stare at me. 

"Oh my gosh, (y/n) why didn't you say anything?" Tsubame says reaching her hands over the table to grab mine.

"We thought Koutaro and you had some kind of secret relationship you were hiding from us," Suzume says.

I feel Bokuto's hand on my thigh. He gives it a light squeeze and I appreciate the gesture. "It's okay, I should've said something. It's still a little much for me to process."

"You poor thing. That must've been terrifying." His mother says.

"Embarrassing. It feels like I bought this upon myself, to be honest."

"Don't be stupid. You didn't ask him to throw that rock through your window." His mother says.

"He sounds crazy." Tsubame comments.

"He wasn't the best man out there. He was charming and sweet when we first started dating. After a year he changed completely." I say.

"Well, it's good to hear that you're no longer with him. You don't need people in your life like that." Tsubame says.

A yawn escapes me as I nod my head. "It's a relief, I've actually felt so much better since leaving him."

Bokuto puts his arm around my shoulders pulling me close to him. "I have the old (y/n) back."

I smile up at him and he looks down at me. The whole room is silent and I feel like we are the only two here. 

One of his sisters clears her throat and we snap out of our little trance. All three women have smug smiles plastered on their faces but choose to say nothing about what they just witnessed.

"We should watch a movie." His mother suggests.

"Good idea," Suzume says getting up from the table.

Tsubame starts clearing the plates and I stand to help. "No, go sit on the couch and relax. You're our guest. Koutaro can help."

Bokuto groans and stands up to help his sisters. I move away from the table and take a seat on the couch.

Once everything is clean, Bokuto races over to the couches, throwing himself down beside me. He wraps an arm around me and I place my head on his shoulder.

Tsubame throws a blanket over us and turns out the lights. Suzume starts the movie and I cuddle more into Bokuto.

My phone starts ringing loudly and I swat my hand out for it. I barely have my eyes open when I answer.

"Hello," I grumble into the phone.

"Good morning!" A man's voice comes down the phone.

It takes me a moment to process who is calling me at this time. "Morning, coach. Why are you ringing me so early?"

"We have a few meetings to attend today, so I need you down at the court by 9 am. Also if you see Bokuto can you remind him that training starts at 5 pm today. We had to push it out later."

"I can let him know. See you soon." I say.

Coach ends the call and I drop the phone away from my ear. Guess I need to get up and start getting ready. I pry Bokuto's arm from around my waist. Once free, I hang my legs over the side of the bed. 

An arm snakes around my waist pulling me back down. Bokuto buries his head into my lower back.

"Go back to sleep." He mumbles.

I pat his arm. "I'd love to but the coach called. I have some meetings I have to attend today." I explain, trying to sit back up.

He tightens his hold on me. "You don't need to go." He says.

"If you want me to keep my job, yes I do," I say.

He groans but doesn't make any attempt to let go of me. "Do I have to come with you?"

"Nope and you're training has been pushed back to 5 pm tonight. Looks like it's gonna be a late one for us."

"Good, more time for me to sleep." He grumbles, relaxing his grip.

I get out of the bed and head for the shower. I get ready in peace and by the time I come back into the room, Bokuto is fast asleep again. I lean down and press a kiss on his forehead. His nose twitches a little but he remains asleep.

I quietly close the door behind me and turn around to find Tsubame walking out of her room. She gives a sleepy smile.

"Where are you off to?" She asks with a yawn.

"Work, I have meetings most of the day apparently," I explain, pulling on my jacket.

"Your day sounds as exciting as mine." She comments. "So, Koutaro and you? What's happening there?"

A smile comes to my face. "I don't know but I really hope it's something."

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