Chapter Eleven

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I plop myself down across from Kuroo and Mina on the blanket, all the food is ready. Bokuto jumps down beside me, bumping his shoulder against mine.

"You two look like you were having fun," Mina says with a quick wink in my direction.

"He jumped on my back and nearly drowned me," I say.

Bokuto puts his arm around my shoulders bringing me in close to his warm body. "But I didn't and that's what matters."

"What are your plans for tomorrow?" Kuroo asks.

I take a plate from Mina. "Look for a new job, one that pays more. Sort through my things."

"I can check and see if there are any teams looking for a manager." Kuroo offers.

"That would be amazing," I say. "I wasn't allowed to do anything related to volleyball when I was with (exbf/n)."

"Good thing you're not with him now. Welcome to freedom." Kuroo says.

I nod and take a deep breath in. Tears prick at the edges of my eyes. Kuroo's face drops as he leans forward, placing a hand on my knee.

"I'm sorry." He apologizes.

Mina whacks his arm earning a yelp from him. He pulls back, rubbing his arm. A small laugh comes from me as I wipe away a few of the stray tears. Bokuto tightens his hold on me.

"I'm fine, just a little overwhelmed with happiness. I haven't felt like this in years." I explain.

Bokuto looks down at me. "Come to my training tomorrow." He suddenly changes the subject.  

"Are you sure that will be okay?" I ask.

He nods. "My coach loves me, he will let you stay. Plus I'm sure the others would love to see you again."

"Okay, as long as it's going to be alright. I don't want to be gatecrashing."

"Never," he squeezes me into his side.

Kuroo pulls up outside Bokuto's parent's house. This is where he is staying while he is in town. Bokuto's face drops as he realises where he is.

"I don't want to go home." He argues with Kuroo.

"You sound like you're a teenager again." Kuroo retorts.

"You'll see me tomorrow," I reassure him. "Give me your phone, I'll put my number in."

He quickly hands me his phone, there is excitement all over his face. "We could meet up early for breakfast." He suggests.

I pause and look at him, halfway through putting my number in. "Can you even wake up early?"

Kuroo snorts from the front seat but says nothing. 

"If it's breakfast with you, then yes." He answers.

I hand him his phone back. "Text me and we can sort out a time."

"I can do that," He leans forward and presses a kiss against my forehead. "Have a good night." He takes off out of the car before any of us can react to what just happened.

I sit there frozen, the spot where he kissed my forehead tingles. Kuroo and Mina both turn to look at me, there are smirks plastered on their faces.

"That was cute." Mina coos.

My phone chimes in my hands and I jump a little at the sound. Kuroo chuckles, trying to look over at the screen.

"He works quickly that one." He jokes.

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