Chapter Fifteen

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I roll over to see the sun just starting to peek over the horizon, the clock reads 6 am and I let out a quiet groan as I roll onto my back. I slept for so long. I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My phone lies on the floor.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and gaze down upon my phone. I wonder what messages are waiting for me once I turn it on. I let out a sigh of defeat, I can't keep it off forever. There could be a message from Bokuto.

I pick it up and walk out of the room as I switch it on. There is no life in the kitchen but to my surprise, there is a figure sleeping on the couch. He has a leg tossed over the back of the couch and his body lying at a strange angle. 

My phone starts chiming like crazy and I frantically switch the sound off not wanting to wake Bokuto up. He gives off a small grunt and slightly shifts. Kuroo comes bounding down the stairs in heavy thumps, his hair a usual mess.

There are bags under his eyes and he's still in his boxers as he stares at me. "Is the coffee ready yet?"

I roll my eyes and walk over to the kettle, switching it on. "Can you be a little quieter, Bokuto is sleeping," I say.

Kuroo walks over to the couch, he looks down at Bokuto and then back up at me. He one quick motion he slaps Bokuto across the face. 

"Kuroo," I hiss.

"This man could sleep through the end of the world. " He says as he strolls over to the breakfast bar.

"You didn't have to slap him," I state as I make our coffees. "Why is he sleeping on the couch anyway?"

"He didn't want to leave you and well you made it clear you needed some space so he slept on the couch."

A pout falls on my face as I look over at the sleeping Bokuto. "He could've slept in my bed. I wouldn't have minded."

"Of course not, any chance to be close to him right." Kuroo comments.

I snap my head back at him but he doesn't have his usual smirk on his face. He stares at me with a serious look on his face. "Yeah," I admit.

He nods. "He really cares for you."

"But in what way, as a friend or as more?" I ask.

Kuroo puts his hands up. "You need to ask him that not me."

"But I don't want to make our relationship uncomfortable." I hand the coffee over to him.

"Better than suffering in silence for the rest of your life." He says.

I lean against the breakfast bar, taking a quick sip from my drink. "I know you're right but there is so much going on with me right now."

"Along with everyone else in the world. Do you think Bokuto isn't going through things right now? Did you know his dad contacted him for the first time in years a couple of days ago?"

My eyes drop down to the countertop. "I had no idea."

"Exactly. I don't want this to sound rude because I know you're going through a lot lately but have you actually sat down and spoken to him? Like actually had a catch-up conversation." 

I shake my head, feeling the guilt take over. "I haven't had the chance, everything happened so fast. I'm such a bad friend."

Kuroo leans across the breakfast bar and places a hand on my shoulder. "You know it's not too late. Mina and I are going away tonight for a couple of days, you'll have the house to yourself and well Bokuto if you choose."

A grunt comes from the couch as Bokuto sits up, looking dazed and confused. He looks around the room, his eyes coming to land on me. A smile lights up his face.

"Good morning." He says as he pulls the blanket off himself.

"Did you have a good sleep?" I ask.

He stretches his arms out, earning a few cracks. "Could've been better."

"I'm sorry about last night." I apologize.

"Don't be sorry, you were overwhelmed. I hope you had a good night's sleep." He comes to stand in front of me.

I gaze up at him, shirtless in all of his glory. "Best sleep I've had in a while but I could've used your company."

He bumps me a little with his shoulder. "You needed some time alone but never forget I'll always be here for you." He gives me a quick wink before walking to the fridge.

Kuroo raises his eyebrows but doesn't say anything. I can't help but blush as I pick my phone back up. Twenty unopened messages and ten missed calls all from my ex-boyfriend. My mood drops once again.

I slide the phone across to Kuroo and his eyebrows knit together as he reads the screen. His eyes move up to meet mine. 

"This needs to stop, this is beyond ridiculous."

"I agree but what can I do. Do I meet up with him to talk because I feel he isn't going to leave me alone otherwise?"

"If you meet up with him you're not going alone." Kuroo states. "That man is clearly unstable."

I give off a small nod. "I know that."

Bokuto leans over my shoulder, pressing his bare chest against my back. My eyes grow wide as I stare straight ahead. He reaches an arm around me and takes my phone from Kuroo.

"Does he not understand that you two aren't together any longer?" He says.

I give off a small shrug. "I guess not."

"Don't contact him until Mina and I get back. We will sort something out." Kuroo says getting up from his seat. "I better get ready for work."

I half turn and find Bokuto looking down at me. My body goes a little rigid under his gaze. A smile grows on his face.

"Are you coming to training with me today?" He brings his hand up to rest on the side of my arm. 

I give a stiff nod. "I'll enjoy all the time I have with you until I get a job."

His smile drops. "I'll talk to the coach and convince him that we need a manager!" He yells, grabbing me by the shoulders. 

I let off a laugh. "I'm sure you will."

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