Chapter Fourteen

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Bokuto and I walk through the front door of Kuroo's place and it's quiet. I flop down on the couch and Bokuto does the same, leaning against me slightly.

"What should we do for the rest of the afternoon?" He asks.

"You need to be resting so you don't overdo it," I say.

He snorts and looks over at the TV. "But I have so much energy."

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"We could go to the beach." He suggests.

I shudder at the thought of being out in public where my ex may be lurking. "Maybe not today."

"Kuroo told me what happened after you guys dropped me off last night." He says.

I look at him. "That man can't keep a secret."

"That's why I rang you. I wanted to make sure you were okay." He looks down into my eyes.

"Thank you, Bo." I place my hand on his thigh and immediately feel his muscles tense up.

The door opens suddenly and we both jump, I quickly retract my hand from Bokuto's thigh. Kuroo walks in with a box of what looks like files. 

He pauses when he sees both of us on the couch. A smirk grows on his face. "Am I interrupting something?"

I shake my head. "No, nothing at all. We just got home."

"Whatever you say. The Black Jackals coach called me after you guys left." Kuroo says putting the box down on the kitchen counter.

"And?" I ask.

"Well, he was impressed with you."

I give him a look of confusion. "I didn't do anything, I just spoke with him about the experience I've had and Bokuto."

"You guys were talking about me?" Bokuto pipes up.

"Nothing bad," I reassure him.

"I guess he liked your passion plus he said you manage this one here well. I also heard about the little clothing mishap."

My face burns red and I look away from Kuroo and out the window. "Atsumu took Bokuto's clothing."

"Do you know why he did that?" Bokuto asks me.

I shake my head. "I have no idea, he's your teammate," I say a little too quickly.

Bokuto sighs. "Maybe Hinata knows." He pulls out his phone and starts typing away.

Kuroo comes and sits down in the lazy boy across from me. He raises an eyebrow at me with an all-knowing look. I glare at him which only makes his smile grow wider.

"Are you sure you don't know why Atsumu would do that (y/n)?" He questions.

I pick up a couch cushion and throw it at his head. He ducks out of the way, cackling as he does so. I flip him off and he returns it as he goes back to the kitchen.

"What are you even here?" I ask.

"I live here." He retorts.

"You know what I mean." I sigh.

"I finished early for the day and wanted to make sure you two weren't up to no good in my house." He says.

Bokuto's phone chimes and I go rigid a little as I think about what Hinata may have said to him. Kuroo chuckles quietly to himself watching me suffer.

"What did he say?" I force out.

"He said that it's a part of some great plan." Bokuto reads the message out. "They are always planning things without me."

"It's probably best to stay out of whatever Atsumu is planning," I say.

He nods with a sad look on his face. "Are you going to come to training with me tomorrow?" 

"Of course."

My phone chimes and I pull it out of my pocket. A sigh leaves me as I read my ex-boyfriend's name on the screen.

Please call me. We need to talk.

I put the phone down on the coffee table, not wanting to be anywhere near it. Bokuto's eyes flicker from me to it, back to me. I draw my feet up onto the couch, bringing my knees to my chest.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"Is that douchebag messaging you again?" Kuroo asks from the kitchen.

I give a small nod. "I thought he might've given up by now. I haven't heard from him all day." 

My phone chimes again and I look away from it and back out the window. It chimes again. And, again. 

"Turn it off." Kuroo says.

"Maybe I should just talk to him, hopefully then he will leave me alone," I say quietly.

Bokuto puts his hand on my knee and I turn my head to look at him. "He shouldn't be harassing you like this. If he really cared he wouldn't have said those things to you."

I give a small nod knowing he's right but all I want is for this to stop. "I know."

I stand up and collect my phone from the table. "I'm going to turn it off and go take a nap."

Bokuto gets up and I hold up a hand for him to stop. I try my best to keep some kind of smile on my face so I don't hurt his feelings.

"I need a little space for a bit, sorry Bo." I whisper to him.

He gives me a look of confusion and sadness. His eyes dart over to Kuroo who is watching us. "Have I done something wrong?"

I shake my head. "Of course not. I just need some time by myself." I explain. 

I drop my hand and head towards my room without another word. I open the messages, five in total now. I don't know whether I want to scream or cry, maybe both. Why can't he just leave me alone?

Are you ignoring me?

Please, I'm so sorry. Call me!

Why do you have to be such a bitch. I have been so understanding through his whole time apart thing!

Are you with him? Is that why you aren't messaging me back?

Fine then! Be that way but don't come crying to me when he doesn't return your feelings.

The last message makes my heart almost shatter. My hands begin to shake and I struggle to turn my phone off. What if he's right? What happens if after all this time Bokuto doesn't feel the same way about me?

The tears are already running down my cheeks before my head hits my pillow. I toss my phone onto the floor, no longer wanting to see it.

My whole body curls into the fetal position and it stays that way until I eventually fall asleep.

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