Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Oh, look who finally decided to join us?" Kuroo yells from the table.

All eyes turn to stare at Bokuto and me as we walk over to the group. Hinata already has a bottle of champagne in his hands.

We take our seats side by side at the table. Mina sits across from me and there is a devious look in her eyes. She tugs at the collar of her blouse.

"Are you hot?" I ask.

She shakes her head and points at her neck and resumes pulling on her collar. I have no idea what she's on about.

"What is it?"

She rolls her eyes and Kuroo had caught onto our conversation. He leans in a little closer to Mina, staring at me. His eyes grow wide before he starts cackling.

"You two couldn't wait until after you got home?" He asks.

My eyes fly open and I slap a hand on the side of my neck. I slowly turn and look at Bokuto who has an innocent look on his face.

"Kotaro," I whisper.

"Had to make sure everyone knew that you're mine now."

"I think we got that when you two were eating each other's faces on the court," Atsumu says.

Bokuto slings an arm around my shoulders, pulling me in close to his side. My face flushes red and hot from all of the attention.

"You're gonna be the death of me," I say to him.

He presses a kiss on the top of my head. Hinata stands at the end of the table, he is getting ready to pop the bottle.

"On behalf of the team, I would like to thank our incredibly patient coach and our new amazing manager for helping us win. We wouldn't have been able to do it without the both of you." He says grinning like an idiot. "Before I pop this bottle does anyone have anything else to add."

Kuroo stands. "To Bokuto for finally having the balls to kiss (y/n) after all the years he's been madly in love with her."

"Agreed," the table says together.

Everyone breaks out into laughter. Bokuto pouts at me.

"I only ever told Kuroo." He says.

"It was pretty obvious in high school," Hinata says.

"All those training camps when you would get excited that Nekoma was coming and how your face would light up at the mention of her name," Atsumu says. "The way you would throw her over your shoulder and run around the court with her. The list goes on and on."

"You were basically connected to her side during those camps," Kuroo says. "I think everyone knew apart from the person who needed to know."

All eyes move to me. "We were just friends,"

"Do you kiss all of your friends like that?" Kuroo teases.

I point a finger at him. "I know where you sleep,"

"But the question is where are you sleeping tonight?" he fires back.

"With me," Bokuto pipes up. 

"Okay, quieten down. Some of us have had a long week and need some champagne to relax." The coach calls out from the other end of the table.

"Good call, coach. That's why we hired you." Hinata says.

The coach sighs heavily, rolling his eyes. "Get on with it."

Hinata grabs the top of the bottle. "Everyone did great tonight. Now let's celebrate the way the Black Jackals do."

He pops the top of the bottle off and everyone cheers. He starts walking around the table, filling each glass. "I think we are going to need a few more bottles."

"Already on it," the coach says as he pops another bottle.

While the boys are waiting on their glasses to be filled Bokuto turns to me. 

"Everything okay?" I ask.

He nods. "Of course, you're here. I'm just wanting to know where you'll be sleeping tonight?"

I give him a soft nudge. "With you. You're the one that said it before."

He shakes his head. "I know that but where? Are we staying with my mum or with Kuroo?"

Kuroo leans across the table. "The walls are soundproof." He whispers and gives us a wink.

"Unlike the locker rooms," Atsumu calls out.

I bury my face into Bokuto's chest and he keeps a protective arm around me. He gently rubs my shoulder but I can hear him chuckling.

"Someone sounds like they're jealous." Mina fires back at Atsumu.

Those two start an argument and a couple of the other guys on the team start teasing Atsumu. The attention is off us now.

Bokuto carefully lifts up my face so he can look into my eyes. "Don't hide that beautiful face away." He whispers to me. "Now let's celebrate."

The team holds up their glasses and I quickly join in. We cheer before I watch these guys take the champagne like it's a shot. Bokuto slams his glass down on the table.

"More!" He shouts.

The sun peeks through a gap in the curtain waking me up from my peaceful slumber. I blindly reach out searching the bed for Bokuto. I pat it but don't locate a body. My eyes snap open and the bed beside me is empty. 

My heart drops. Maybe it was all a dream. I roll onto my back and stare up at the ceiling. I guess it was too good to be true.

The door suddenly creaks open, revealing a hooded Bokuto. There is a bag in his hands and two coffee cups. A smile graces his tired face. He quietly closes the door behind him and puts the bag and coffee on the bedside table. He strips back down to his boxers.

"What's all this?" I ask with a yawn as I sit up.

He grabs the coffee, handing me one. "I was going to make you breakfast in bed when I remembered Kuroo doesn't like me being in the kitchen. So, I went out and bought us breakfast instead. Sorry, this was the only place that was open."

"Don't be sorry," I plant a kiss on his cheek. "It's the thought that counts. Thank you so much. You didn't have to do this at all."

He shuffles in a little closer to me. "I did this because I wanted to. You deserve all the coffees and breakfast burgers in the world."

I giggle. "Well, I really appreciate it. Thank you so much, Kotaro."

He takes my coffee off me and places it back on the bedside table before grabbing my face. "You being here makes me so happy. When I woke up this morning and saw you sleeping in my arms I had to pinch myself. It was like a dream."

I lean forward and press my lips against his. His hands go down to my waist and he slides down the bed. I follow after him and he pulls me on top of him. I straddle his waist.

He breaks the kiss and looks deeply into my eyes. "I may have taken a bite out of your hashbrown."

"Kotaro," I whine.

He kisses my cheek before sitting us up. "I'm joking."

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