Chapter Five

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(y/n) POV

Mina snatches onto my wrist, holding onto me firmly. "No way! You're not going home. You're two best friends haven't seen you in years. In the last couple of days Kuroo hasn't shut up about seeing Bokuto and you again." She says. "Plus, I really want to get to know you."

Bokuto grabs onto my other wrist. "Please don't go." He gives me his puppy dog eyes.

I'm suddenly overwhelmed with guilt as I stare into Bokuto's eyes. I don't want to leave but (bf/n) is being so difficult right now. He wants me to go home even though he won't be there. He will be doing the thing he is accusing me of.

I clench my jaw. "I want to but-"

Kuroo slams his hand down on the table making the three of us jump. His eyes are narrowed at me. Mina lets go of me and places a hand on his chest.

"I'm so sick of that low life controlling your life. I've had it up to here." He growls holding his hand above his head. "C'mon let's go back to mine. No arguing, no buts, no saying no. You're staying the night at our place."

"I don't think-" I begin.

"What did I just say? Also if he has a problem with it, he can deal with me. I'll give him a piece of my mind." Kuroo snaps.

I look down at Bokuto's hand on my wrist, his hands are so big compared to mine. He gives my wrist a gentle squeeze.

"Please, I'm with Kuroo on this one." He says.

I sigh. "I'm going to regret it if I don't drink with you guys tonight."

Bokuto and Kuroo cheer loudly, earning some more distasteful looks from other guests. Mina is quick to settle the guys down before turning her attention to me.

"Everything will be fine and if you want you can always stay with us for a couple of days. I know what you're going through with your boyfriend." She whispers to me.

A small smile comes to my face. "Thank you."

Kuroo rushes the three of us out of the restaurant before we are kicked out. Bokuto calls shotgun and practically throws himself into the front passenger seat. Mina giggles as she slips into the back with me.

The guys are nothing but loud as Kuroo starts driving us back to his place. Mina leans over, her bright eyes focused on the two in the front.

"Kuroo told me you used to have a thing for Bo." She whispers.

My eyes grow wide and I stare back at her in shock. "That dirty bastard."

"So it's true then?"

I feel my cheeks heat up a little. "Maybe."

She nudges my shoulder gently. "Just maybe or definitely."

I clear my throat and lean forward between Kuroo and Bokuto. Bokuto's eyes lock with mine and I feel my face start to burn hot. He stares at me with his big golden eyes.

"What's up?" Kuroo asks.

"Do we need to stop and get drinks or anything?" I ask, turning my attention to him.

He shakes his head. "Nah, we've got you covered."

Kuroo pulls into the driveway of Mina and his home. It's huge. As we step out of the car, Bokuto darts to my side. Kuroo gives him a strange look but carries on walking to the front door.

Bokuto leans down a little. "I bet he's compensating for something." He whispers.

I snicker and bump his shoulder. "You might have a point."

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