Chapter Twenty Three

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My alarm rings in my ear and I roll over shutting it off. I feel an arm curl around my waist dragging me away from my phone. He buries his face into the crook of my neck.

"Go back to sleep, we don't have to be anywhere until later this afternoon." He whispers to me.

"I know, I know. I'm just anxious." I whisper back.

He shuffles his body closer to mine, squeezing me tight. "You'll be amazing tonight. You'll have me and I'll have you."

I roll over his hold and stare into his eyes. "I'm glad I'm going to have you by my side."

He closes his eyes with a smile. "Get some more rest."

I nod and close my eyes snuggling into him. Our legs intertwine and I drift back off to sleep.

A hand shakes me awake and I groggily blink my eyes. Kuroo looks down at me.

"Hurry up and get out of bed! The game is starting in 10 minutes."

I launch myself forward. "What?!" I yell. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

Bokuto groans from beside me.

Kuroo takes a step back, cackling to himself. "You should've seen your face."

I swing my arm out at him, missing. "You're a dick. My heart was about to stop when you said that."

"Don't worry, it's only 11 am but it's about time you two love birds get out of bed and start getting ready."

"Bro, I love you but go away." Bokuto mumbles from beside me.

I lie back down and he drags me back to him, holding me in his muscly arms. "Yeah, Kuroo go away so we can sleep."

He rolls his eyes. "I'll be back in 20 minutes if you're not out of bed and I'll be bringing a cup of water to pour over the both of you."

He walks out of the room, closing the door and allowing us some privacy. Bokuto stretches his arms out as he smiles at me.

"How was your sleep?"

"Good until Kuroo decided to wake me up like that."

He carefully brushes my messy hair away from my face, his hand stopping on my cheek. "How about tomorrow, we just spend the whole day in bed. Just the two of us." He whispers.

"I'd like that."

He flashes me a huge grin before bringing his face closer to mine. My eyes dart down to his lips and then back up to his eyes. He does the same.

The door crashes open. "20 minutes are up," Kuroo yells.

I roll over so fast. "Like hell it is!" I yell back.

He walks in, flopping down on the bed and rolling in between Bokuto and me on top of the covers. He puts his hands behind his head getting comfortable.

"Are you guys excited for the game tonight? Because I am." He says.

Bokuto frowns at him. "We were kind of in the middle of something."

Kuroo looks over at him. "I bet you were but we can't have you injuring yourself before a game."

My whole face turns red and I slip out of the bed. "I'm going for a shower."

The rest of the day is Bokuto making sure he has everything and Kuroo is calling people left, right, and center. I on the other hand spend the day reading over notes and calling the coach to check that we are on the same page with everything.

"You two hurry up, we can't be late," Kuroo yells from outside.

Bokuto grabs his bag and my hand, pulling me from the house. We pile into Kuroo's car and speed over to the stadium. We are a couple of hours early but we need the time.

The rest of the team is waiting inside, huddled around in a circle speaking with the coach.

"We thought you were going to sleep through the match," The coach laughs.

"I had to drag these two out of bed this morning. Otherwise, you guys would be down a spiker and a manager." Kuroo laughs. "I have to head back out but I will be back before the game starts."

Bokuto runs off to dump his bag and I go and join the rest of the team. Hinata and Atsumu put their arms around my shoulders.

"Kuroo made it sound like Bokuto and you were in bed together," Atsumu says with a sly smile.

"He also told us that you have been staying with him for the past few days," Hinata adds.

I look at the two guys and put my hands on my hips. "We can talk about this later but there is a game that you two need to pay more attention to at the moment." 

They pout at me and drop their arms back down. Bokuto comes sprinting back out of the locker room and throws his arm around my shoulders. The rest of the team huddles in and we start going over our plan for the game.

The boys break off and start stretching and practicing. The other team eventually shows up and the coach introduces me to them.

Before I know it, the stadium is full of people. Mina waves at me from her spot in the VIP area, Kuroo is beside her. He gives me a thumbs up and I can't help but feel nervous. 

The coach comes to stand beside me on the sideline as the game starts to begin. My heart is thumping away in my chest.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

I take a deep breath in. "I think so."

He pats me on the shoulder. "I think you're more nervous than the boys on the court are."

I give off a weak laugh as I look out over the court. Bokuto and I make eye contact and he shoots me a quick wink. Hinata says something to him and he smiles. He points a finger directly at me.

"I'm going to win for you!" He shouts.

My cheeks flush hot and I look down at the ground. I can feel eyes on me and not just the team but the people in the seating behind me.

"What's going on between the two of you?" The coach asks.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I say, not making eye contact with him.

The whistle blows and the game starts and my head snaps up, focusing on the game. My whole body is tense as I watch the boys play with everything they have.

Every time Bokuto catches me watching him, he gives me a quick wink. This man will be the death of me.

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