Chapter Seventeen

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I sit outside on the front step as the police officers ask Bokuto a couple of questions. I have Bokuto's team jacket draped over my shoulders, keeping me warm. 

My phone starts ringing and I pull it from my pocket with a shaky hand. It's Kuroo.

"Hey, I'm so sorry," I answer.

"Don't be stupid. Don't apologize. Are you okay? What happened?" He asks frantically.

"Is Bokuto still with you?" Mina calls out from the background.

"Yes, Bokuto is still with me. He's just answering a couple of questions from the police. I'm... okay, I guess."

"We can come home now if you want?" Kuroo offers.

"Now you're the one being stupid. Stay where you are. I'll be okay." I say taking in a deep breath trying to calm myself down.

"So, what happened?"

"Bokuto and I were in the living room talking and the next thing we hear is smashing glass. He'd thrown a rock with whore written on it through the window. I'm sorry that this happened to your house."

"Forget about the house. I can get a new window and new carpet. I can't replace Bokuto and you. I'm just glad the two of you are safe. Have they arrested him?"

"They caught him as he was climbing through the broken window. Apparently, he was heavily intoxicated."

Bokuto nods to the police officers before walking back over to me. He takes a seat down beside me wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Kuroo?" He asks.

I give a nod and place the phone on loudspeaker.

"Hey bro, sorry about your house." 

"Don't worry about the house, man. I was just saying to (y/n) I'm just glad that the two of you are okay."

"He must've seen us somewhere and followed us home," I say quietly.

"What a creep," Mina says.

"Are you sure you don't want us to come back?" Kuroo asks.

"No, it's okay. I've got Bokuto."

He gives me a tight squeeze and I instantly feel more relaxed. "Don't worry I'll look after her. We are going to stay at my mom's house in the meantime."

"Okay, well if you need anything please don't hesitate to call us," Kuroo reassures me.

"Thank you and I know you said not to apologize but I really want to say sorry for letting this all happen."

"This has nothing to do with you. He made those decisions, you never asked for any of this." Mina says softly through the phone. "Don't think for a moment that this all happened because of you. He's a loose unit and you should be glad that you're no longer with him."

"Thank you, I'm glad to have such amazing friends."

"Talking about amazing friends. Guess who is the new manager of the Black Jackals?" Bokuto says.

"No way? You got the position?" Kuroo asks.

A smile comes to my face. "Officially started today, thanks to Bokuto."

"That's great news. We will have to celebrate when we come back." 

"Are you gonna make it to the game on Saturday night?" Bokuto asks.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world. We should be back late Friday night." Kuroo says. "For the time being, keep safe and don't have too much fun you two."

"Have fun on your trip," I say ignoring his previous comment.

"Night bro, see you on Friday," Bokuto adds.

I hang up the call and look up at Bokuto. "We should really get going. It's getting late and we both have work tomorrow."

He nods and helps me up from the ground. He keeps his arm around me as we walk to the car. "The spare room is in use at Mom's so you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on a futon."

I shake my head. "Don't be stupid. It's your house, you can take the bed. I probably won't sleep much tonight."

He helps me into the car and brushes the hair away from my face. "We will sort it out once we get there."

Bokuto quietly unlocks the door to his Mom's house. This is the quietest I've ever seen him be in all of my life. He creeps into the house making sure to be careful where he steps.

"What's that noise?" A female voice comes from another room.

"Maybe it's Koutarou." Another female answers.

Bokuto cringes at the mention of his name. He grabs me and tries to hide me behind him. The light turns on and two females are standing at the end of the hallway with their arms crossed.

"So, you make an appearance." One of them says.

"With a girl as well. I thought you were better than that." The other pipes up.

I pop my head out to the side and give them a small wave. Both of their faces drop at the sight of me.

"(y/n)!" They both yell in excitement.

Both women rush at me, snatching me away from Bokuto. They embrace me tightly.

"Wow, it's been so long," Suzume, the oldest sister, yells.

"You've grown up so much. You're so beautiful." Tsubame cries.

"I can see why Bokuto was trying to sneak me into the house. He didn't tell me you two were here." I say giving him the side-eye.

"That's because when you three are together I never get to hang out with (y/n)." He pouts.

"Aw, Kou. Are you jealous?" Suzume asks.

Bokuto crosses his arms over his chest. "No, it's just she's my friend."

"Kou told us you're single now," Tsubame says, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

I give a small nod. "I am."

Bokuto takes my hand and pulls me away from his sisters. "(y/n) has work tomorrow. You three can catch up tomorrow night."

"Oh, he's jealous." Suzume giggles.

Bokuto pulls me down the hallway before anything else can be said. He pushes his bedroom door open to reveal his childhood room. There are volleyball posters up, even a couple of him now. On his desk, there are pictures of his school, volleyball camps, and of Kuroo, him, and me when we were younger. 

"Your room hasn't changed much," I comment, walking around it.

"I asked Mom to keep it like this. It's nice coming home to this when I can." He explains as he pulls out the futon from under his bed.

I sit down on it and cross my legs. "I will sleep down here."

Bokuto picks me up like I weigh nothing and plops me down on his bed. He drops down onto the futon, starfishing out. "You'll sleep in my bed and I'll sleep down here."

"I already told you, I probably won't sleep tonight." I sigh. "

"The police officers said they would hold him in the cell overnight. There's no way he can get to you."

I shuffle to the corner of the bed that is pushed against the wall. "I know but I still can't knock the horrible feeling."

Bokuto climbs up onto the bed and wraps an arm around me. "I will stay up here until you fall asleep. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." He whispers.

I rest my head into the side of his chest and get comfortable. "Thank you. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't been there."

"Shh, close your eyes and don't think about it." He gives me a quick tight squeeze.

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