Chapter Eighteen

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"Bokuto, run faster. You're lagging behind today." The coach yells at him.

He huffs and picks up his pace to match the rest of the team's pace. I stand beside the coach with a clipboard in my hand noting everything down. A yawn escapes me and I try my best to repress it. 

"I thought I told you two to get an early night." The coach says.

"There was a personal problem we had to deal with. I apologize on the behalf of both of us."

The coach's brows knit together. "Anything you want to talk about it."

I shake my head as another yawn escapes me. "Not practically. I'm at work and that's my focus at the moment."

"Alright, good to hear but if you need a moment let me know." He offers.

"Thank you."

I suck in a deep breath and focus back on the team. Bokuto catches my eye and he gives me a thumbs-up, I return it with a tired smile.

I had managed to get some sleep last night but it wasn't peaceful. Bokuto had slept beside me the whole night. His sisters had barged into the room early this morning to find us snuggled into each other. 

"Alright boys, we need to work on serving. Hinata you're up first." The coach calls as we move to the far end of the court.

The rest of the day flies by. I take a seat on the bench, letting out a loud sigh of relief as I lean back. Bokuto quickly runs to my side.

"Are you okay?" He asks frantically.

I give him a sleepy smile. "I'm fine, just tired. Go shower so we can go back to yours and relax."

He gives me another look over before running off the court. My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket and it makes my spine tingle. I pull it out slowly to find an unknown number. My hands are shaking as I click answer.

"Hello?" I answer a little unsure.

"Is this (y/n)?" A man on the other end asks.

"Yes, who is it that I'm speaking to?"

"Sorry, I'm officer Ito. I was one of the officers at your friend's house, that you've been staying at, yesterday." He quickly explains.

"Ah, yes I remember. What are you calling about?"

"We have been in contact with Kuroo Tetsurou and he is wanting to press charges against (ex-boyfriend's full name). We are wondering if you would like to do so too?"

"I just want some kind of protection or restraining order. If that's possible?"

"Of course, we will get a lawyer onto that for you. Please assure we are holding him still for the meantime so there is no reason for you to worry." The officer explains. "Are you currently staying at Kuroo's residence?"

"No, I'm staying with a friend."

"Good, we will keep in contact with you to let you know what's happening. Have a good evening, Miss (l/n)."

"You as well," I say before ending the call.

Bokuto comes running out of the locker room, his gym bag over his shoulder. He stops suddenly in front of me with a big grin on his face.

"Are you ready to go home?" He asks happily.

I stand up putting my phone back in my pocket. "Kuroo's place or your place?" I ask.

He slings his arm around my shoulders. "Where would you feel more comfortable?"

"Probably your place. At least until Kuroo and Mina get back." I say.

"Great, my mom and sisters won't be home until a little later so we have the whole house to ourselves."

I grin up at him. "You just don't want your sisters to steal me away."

"Damn right I don't. They will take all of your attention away from me." He says leading me towards the exit.

I pat his hand that dangles over my shoulder. "We have literally seen each other every day since we had dinner that night."

He gives off a small shrug. "I like spreading time with you."

"So do I."

Bokuto and I lie on the couch, our legs crossing over each other as we watch TV. My eyes feel heavy and all I want to do is sleep.

"How are you feeling?" He asks.

I open my eyes as wide as I can and look over at him. "Tired but good."

He pats his chest. "Come and rest here."

I shake my head. "No, you've been training all day."

He grabs me by the arm and drags me over to him. I land on his lap, straddling him. I'm wide awake now. There is a grin on his face.

"Hello," he says quietly.

"Hi," I answer.

He tucks some of my hair behind my ear as he continues to stare at my face. There is a happy smile on his face.

"You're so perfect," he whispers as he traces his finger down the side of my jaw.

I'm speechless and I have no idea how to react. Is this really happening?

His face falls and his finger stops just under my chin. "Are you okay? Have I done something wrong?" He questions.

I snap out of my daze and shake my head. "No, not at all. You just caught me off guard."

His smile returns and brings my face a little closer to his. "Good. Are you okay with this?"

I give a small nod. "I wouldn't be allowing this if I wasn't." 

We close the distance between our faces, stopping when our noses touch. His hands come to rest of my hips. 

"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" He asks.

"It would be more than okay," I whisper.

He lets out a deep chuckle, tightening his grip on my hips. He pulls my body closer to his. My eyes close as his face moves.

"We're home!" A woman's voice shouts as the front door opens.

Bokuto and I push off each other and I fall off the couch. I lie on the floor staring up at the ceiling. Interrupted once again.

"Why did you have to announce it like that?" An older woman says.

"You never know what Koutaro is up to with (y/n)." She laughs.

Bokuto's sisters and mother walk into the living room. His sisters look between us with raised eyebrows.

"What have you two been doing?" Suzume asks.

Bokuto scratches the back of his head. "(y/n) fell off the couch."

"You pushed me." I fire back.

"Now why would he push you off the couch?" His mother asks as she comes to help me.

He pouts and crosses his arms over his chest. He avoids all eye contact with us and his sisters ruffle his hair as they walk into the kitchen.

I thank his mother as I stand up. She hurries into the kitchen with her shopping bags. I take a seat back on the couch next to Bokuto. I slip my hand into his and give it a tight squeeze. The pout on his face drops away.

He unfolds his arms and turns to face me, crossing his legs. I do the same. This way we can talk to his family as they prepare dinner in the kitchen. His hand doesn't leave mine for a second.

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