(67) WAR- 2

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Valentina's POV:

"What?!", Kevin almost yelled in disbelief.

The shock came to all and I mean all of us even my brothers except Ales, Ben, Leo and Antonio.

"You know there are only two ways we get your mafia. One war and two voluntary sign off. First option is not an option for you as we'll instantly kill those two. Voluntary sign off is the only way you get your siblings back alive. Now you are saying no for that?!", Oliver said shocked.

Ales and Leo had stoic faces.

I was surprised, but glad as well. No way Dimitri can get two strong mafias.

Dimitri was staring at them deeply. He had a thoughtful look on his face.

"You know I'm not kidding when I say I will hurt or kill Valentina for what I want. I will do it Alessandro. So I suggest you think again", Dimitri said

Ales stared at him and then at me.

"No. Ales don't. Our father won this mafia fair and square. His and your hardwork is what got us to become one of the strongest mafias. One life cannot stand in between that. Dimitri knows he can't defeat you in a war knowing you have Leo and Raf on your side. So don't so this. Don't you dare hand off our mafia to him", I said sternly.

Micheal looked at me shocked. My younger older brothers looked at me like I've lost my mind. The middle brothers were conflicted.

"She's right Leo. Italian mafia belongs to the Costello family since forever. Our fore fathers started this mafia. You can't give it up. It will stay with us forever. Don't think emotionally", Daniel warns Leo.

My family looked at both of us like we're crazy, but the elder ones knew what we both are talking about. Our men standing behind my brothers looked at us surprised and with respect.

"Shut up you both", Kevin gritted his teeth at us.

Dimitri takes a deep breath and looked at Ales and Leo expectantly.

"I won't give up my mafia", Ales said again.

"What?!", Matteo yells in absolute shock.

"Ales", Xavier said nervously.

"What are you saying?", Xander whispered in disbelief.

"No guys. Like I said earlier. Being a Don is not an easy job. I will die before I give up our mafia to this man. You think he will let us be after I give it up? The first thing he will do after gaining ultimate power will be to end the Costello bloodline. Think about it. He will have all the power to do whatever he wants and desires. No one will be able to stop him. I will not let him come anywhere near my family or mafia even if it means we go to war. He will go next after Rafael and his mafia. Then he will be the only strongest mafia Don in existence. It's not just about two lives..it's more than that", Ales explained coldly.

By the look on Dimitri's face it was understood Ales was right.

"Ales is right. We can't give up two strongest mafias in existence. He knows he can't win if he goes for war. We can't think emotionally. We are not just brothers but Dons too. The entire responsibility lies in our decision. Dimitri will definitely end us all once we hand over, because he can't afford for us to win it back fair and square from him later. Or even if he kills me and Ales. He knows Elijah and Mark will be next in line and can challenge him. After them there are more and more of us to challenge him. So think before you get emotional. We care about Val and Dan too, but this just not possible", Leo said emotionlessly.

Everyone stared at them speechless. Somewhere deep down everyone knew what they said is right. It's just that they can't accept to sacrifice me and Dan for it.

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