SUNGCHAN - When you helped a Mafia and he fell for you but it's a forbidden love

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2 weeks later

"Yah what's with the long face? Why you skip the shooting class?" Shotaro nudged his best friend who was staring out at the view in the balcony.

"Nothing it's just....nah nevermind" Sungchan sighed and Shotaro scoffed at him.

"Your dad found you that night? I just got to know" he said and Sungchan looked at him then nodded his head.

"Hmm" he hummed and Shotaro patted his shoulder."You're a mafia bro.Your remember your words? You want it.You got it? What are you doing right now?" he asked and walked out from the room.

Sungchan recalled his words and walked towards his closet.He put on his bulletproof vest and load up the guns as he hid them in his back.

He wore another clothes on top and sneaked out from the mansion.He dashed to the cafe where you were working hoping you're still working there.

He found you sleeping peacefully through the glass doors in the seats.He sighed in relief and smiled softly as he walked closer to the cafe when he saw Yoshi picking you up into his car.

Sungchan froze on his spot as he saw the scene.After Yoshi locked the doors, he drove away and Sungchan eyed his car as it vanished from his sight.

He frowned at the thought of you and Yoshi already dating each other.He flinched when his phone buzzed.He took it out and saw his father was calling.

"Yes father?"

Where are you? I need to have a talk with you

"Uh I'm just out to have fresh air.I'll be home in a few"


Sungchan hummed and left to his mansion as he went straight towards his father's office.

"Yes Dad?" Sungchan asked and his father showed him the seat besides unfamiliar couples.

"This is Mr Yoon and Mrs Yoon.They are your future in laws" his father announced and Sungchan widened his eyes in shocked at the sudden news.

"Dad what is this?!" he yelled and his father tilted his head."What's what? I told you a few days ago you're getting married.Are you still thinking about that girl?" he slightly raised his voice and Sungchan scoffed.

"Yes I am.What you gonna do about it? I'll not marry anyone against my consent!!" Sungchan stomped out from the room as he went into his room.

"You are going to marry their daughter no matter what!!" his father yelled and he messed with his hair.

"Can't you just let me decide what I fucking want for myself and my future?! You fucking control since I was a fucking baby AND I NEVER SAY A FUCKING NO TO ALL OF IT!!" Sungchan shouted letting out his anger as his father scoffed.

"That's what you should be doing.You should listen to me because you are my son!! You'll be continuing this Mafia shits!!" the middle aged man yelled and Sungchan pushed him away as he stormed out from mansion.

Before he could, he heard a loud thud.He turned around and saw his father on the floor holding his chest



"Yahhh I don't want to go home!! Let me wait for Sungchan there!!" you whined in your drunk state after chugging down a few bottles of alcohol on your own.

"You stupid he'll not come back.His father even warned you.They are not good people" Yoshi said eyeing you who was struggling to even take off the seatbelt.

"No he's a good guy!! I trust him!!" you yelled and Yoshi rolled his eyes in annoyed.

"I'll let you stay with my mom tonight or you'll go out to cafe again" he said as he drove back to his house.

On the next day, Yoshi was mopping the floor while you were having your hangover soup when the door was opened by someone.

"Sorry but we're still close.You can come back at 9" Yoshi said as he looked at the people.He saw the very familiar faces.

"Oh my.Aunty! Uncle! Yah your parents!" he yelled pulling you who was still slurping the soup.

"ARGH YAHH!! LET ME GO!! Mom!! Dad!!" you ran to your parents and they hugged you together as you haven't meet them for a few months after some financial issues.

"Uh we have to talk with you" your mom said and Yoshi walked away into the bar giving your family a privacy.

"You know you have been a good daughter for us baby.But we wanted to ask for another help.For the good of us" your mom started off and you looked at her confusedly.

"If it is for the good of us then yeah sure what is it?" you asked excitedly and they looked at each other worriedly.

"We need you to marry Mr Jung's son"

Wedding day

After lots of begs and considerations from your parents, you finally gave in as it has been your thing to not say no to your parents requests.

You wore the simple wedding dress as you went into the mansion where they held the private wedding.

You were fidgeting with your flower bouquet while waiting for the priest and the groom when the door opened revealing an old man in a wheelchair.

"Hello buddy.Are you okay?" your father asked him and you squinted your eyes at the familiar face.

You have seen his face but you couldn't recognise who it is."I'm fine.Gosh I look so old right now" he said and they chuckled at him except for you.

He finally looked at you and slightly gasped."Y-You!! Oh my!! You're their daughter!! I'm sorry for that night" he bowed a little and you blinked your eyes confusedly same as your parents until a man walked in.

"S-Sungchan?" you muttered and he froze on his spot."Y-Y/n? What are you--Dad what is this?" he asked the man and you finally remembered that the man was his father.

You recalled his father's words and eyed Sungchan with terrified look.Your father had a chat with his father while you just stayed in your sear quietly.

Then the priest walked in."Let's start the wedding shall we?" he asked and the parents nodded their heads.He gave you and Sungchan the forms and you signed them as he took them back.

"With this I announce Mr Jung Sungchan is married to now Mrs Jung Y/n.Congratulations" He announced and they congratulated the newlywed.

"Let's have some food first shall we? You to go change" Your now father in law said and you looked at Sungchan who was looking awkward.

The parents left you two in the meeting room alone making it more awkward.

"U-Uh hi.It's been so long.How uh have you been?" he asked as he remembered the night he saw you and Yoshi.

"Good.Uh you'll not do anything to me right? O-Or did you t-threathen my parents?" you asked without thinking twice out of fear.

He frowned and looked at you."Do you think I would do that? Do you believe my father's words?" he asked in disbelief as he trusted you so much.

"W-Who knows? Maybe Yoshi is right.Not every look shows the inside" you mumbled and he heard it.He stared at you with anger in his eyes and he scoffed when he heard Yoshi's name.

"How dumb am I to expect the old you after what happened.Yeah it all my fault.You should be scared of me" he walked closer and you gulped nervously as he smirked.

"Because I'll make your life turn into a complete hell"



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