Part 3 - Forming A Circle

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The next morning, Hera and Jovie walked to school, Hera asked Jovie about the room she encountered last night.

"Oh, that room... Mum said it's her office, filled with some important things. She doesn't let me in, " said Jovie.
"But you've lived there since you were born, won't you feel curious about what's behind the door?"
"There was once a time, I could finally cure my curiosity! Too bad, mum stopped me and she didn't allow me to play with other kids for two weeks! She even scolded me saying that it's better not knowing what's behind that door. She said it was for my own good. That was the one time mum scolded me so fiercely compared to other times. After that, I didn't dare touch the door knob of the room ever again. "
"Did you know I saw bright light coming from that room last night? But it dimmed was mum appeared. "
"Really? The last time I saw that room it became darker and darker. "
Hera's eyes widened.
"Darker til I couldn't remember how the door looked like, " said Jovie.
"How about Teapea? Did Teapea enter the room before?"
"Even if she did, we wouldn't know. Mum doesn't let us in that room let alone a cat. "
"Imagine mum not letting Teapea play with other cats for two weeks!"
Jovie looked at her puzzled.
In their classroom, Hera saw many other students. She felt eager to make new friends. But she noticed that Jovie hasn't spoken to anyone since they got to school.
"Hey Jovie, can you introduce me to some of your friends?"
"I don't really have any... "
"Why not?"
"Everytime when I reach school, I just take out a book to read or study so I don't really talk to anyone. Until one day I realised I don't really have any friends so I started talking to them, but they have their own circle and I've always felt left out."
"Oh, then maybe we should make some friends!"
"But many of them have their own circle, we will be left out."
"Then we just have to find one who doesn't have a circle."
Hera scanned rhe class and saw a girl, sitting alone at the corner of the class while the others were chatting or playing together.
"How about that girl at the corner? Who is she?" asked Hera.
"I don't think she's from our class. But she does look familiar some how."
"Then let's say hi."
Hera and Jovie approached the girl and waved at her. The girl looked around and realised they were waving at her. She smiled.
"Hi, I'm Hera and she's Jovie. What's your name?"
"I'm Claire."
"Hi, are you new here?" asked Hera.
"No, I've always been in this class," replied Claire.
Hera looked at Jovie and raised an eyebrow.
"Teehee, I didn't know. Maybe that's the reason you looked familiar," said Jovie.
"It's normal that you didn't recognise me. Most people don't want to be friends with me and some don't even know my existence," said Claire while looking at Jovie.
"Why don't they want to be your friend?" asked Hera.
"Because I'm adopted."
"Yea, she has a point," said Jovie.
"Why? I'm adopted too by Jovie's mother," said Hera.
"If you're adopted in this magical world, it means you do not know who your biological parents are, nor who they might be. A hero? A villain? Who knows." said Claire.
"Not if they abandoned you," said Jovie.
"The society believes that those adopted might be the child of some powerful villain or if you're lucky, a heroic superhero," said Claire.
"Well, I'm adopted too. Jovie's mother adopted me and I'm living with her. We would be delighted to be your friends!" said Hera.
"That's really nice of you!" said Claire with a wide smile.

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