Part 4 - The Cafe

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Hera, Jovie and Claire spent the whole school day together. After school, Claire invited Hera and Jovie to her adoptive parent's cafe.
"Wow, this cafe is huge. It's so pretty," said Jovie jaw dropped.
"There are so many people here! The tables and chairs, the decorations are all so beautiful!" said Hera.
"Are those ingredients in the jar sparkling?" asked Jovie, eyes widened.
"Yes, they're magical ingredients hand picked by my parents from the Enchanted Forest," said Claire.
"The dishes must be expensive then," said Jovie.
"Yes they are. But since you're my only friends, I can let you try some," said Claire.
"What do you mean?" said Hera.
Claire put on an apron. She looked like a barista. She took the cups from the shelf and swung it onto a saucer.
"Do you guys have a sweet tooth?" asked Claire.
"Kinda," said Jovie.
"Maybe," said Hera.
She added chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, vanilla syrup and some whipped cream into the cup. After that, she added some other ingredients and put the two cups infront of them. They were about to take a sip, but Claire pulled the cup away. They looked at Claire as if a toy had been taken from a child.
"There is one last secret ingredient to the recipe," said Claire slyly.
"And what's that?" asked Jovie.
"It wouldn't be a secret if I told you! Just another hand picked ingredient."
Claire tooked a pinch of the ingredient which looked like white powder out from the jar and sprinkled it onto the coffee.
"Sugar?" Jovie tilted her head.
"No, salt."
"Who adds salt to coffee?"
"Not just any salt, sweet salt," said Claire.
"Sweet salt?" said Hera raising an eyebrow.
"As I said, hand picked by my parents from the forest! Just wait for it," said Claire while staring at the two cups. Suddenly, the coffee swirled slowly and glittered. The colourless steam turned into some blue sparkle smoke that's actually just steam.
"And voila, Sweet Americano. Take a sip and let me know what you think."
Hera and Jovie took a sip and their eyes slowly widened.
"It's really good!" said Jovie.
"Do you work here?" asked Hera.
"Nope, I just make coffee for fun. It's my hobby," said Claire.
"Well it's getting late, we have to go home now, " said Jovie.
"Yea, mom will be wondering where we went," said Hera.
"By the way thanks for the coffee! It's delicious and magical!" said Jovie.

Note : The name of the coffee and the recipe is from a game, My Cafe.

"You girls returned home later than usual. Where have you been?" asked Leonora.
"We went to a new friends coffee shop, it's her parents' ," said Jovie.
"How was your first day of school, Hera?" asked Leonora.
"It was wonderful! We met a new friend and she's adopted too! The three of us did lots of things together."
"Oh how wonderful," said Leonora.
Hera and Jovie walked to their rooms to get changed. On the way, Hera passed by the basement, but the door was locked shut. Maybe it's something really important, she thought.

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