Part 5 - The Bracelet

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The next day, Hera and Jovie invited Claire over for lunch. They all sat at the dining table and chatted.
"The food is delicious, Miss Leonora!" said Claire.
"Thank you, dear,"
"Mom, why are you staring at Claire?" asked Jovie.
Leonora blinked her eyes as if woken suddenly.
"Oh, the bracelet on her hand is just mesmerizing."
"I've never realised you had such a beautfiul bracelet, Claire," said Hera.
"Oh thank you," said Claire.
"That blue gem at the top is really beautiful. May I ask where did you get it from?" asked Leonora.
"Oh my parents gave it to me as a gift," said Claire.
"That's some gift. Anyways, Jovie told me you were adopted," said Leonora.
"Yes, I do not know who my biological parents are. I grew up with my adoptive parents," said Claire.
"Mom, you've never gave me a gift like that on my birthday before. Do you think--"
"Don't think about it," Leonora cut her.
All of them laughed. After the meal, the three of them spent time watching TV and playing together. Suddenly, Teapea cat walked towards them and was jumping up and down non-stop.
"What's wrong with Teapea?" asked Hera.
"I don't know. She has never behaved like this," said Jovie.
"Maybe she wants to play?" said Claire while stroking Teapea's fur. The sparkle of the blue gem caught Teapea's eye and she snatched the bracelet off of Claire's wrist and fled. The girls were shocked and started chasing after Teapea. They ran and ran. But Teapea was running like a cheetah. She ran below moving wagons and jumped over tents. She ran into bookstores shocking everyone as they screamed. She ran from one building to the next and they chased her one after another. Suddenly, Teapea ran to the end of the road and disappeared. They searched for Teapea for the whole day but to no avail. Therefore, they decided to head home.
"Don't worry Claire, we'll find your bracelet," said Hera.
"I can't lose that bracelet, it is really important to me," said Claire voice breaking.
"I've never seen Teapea acting this way. She's so naughty!" said Jovie.
Suddenly, they saw a cat in the bushes, playing with the bracelet as if it was a ball of yarn. Jovie grabbed Teapea by the belly and Hera quickly took the bracelet and handed it to Claire.
"You're a very naughty cat, Teapea! What has gotten into you!" said Jovie. "I think I should not let you play with other cats for TWO WEEKS!"

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