Part 18 - Magic And Chemistry

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It was recess. While Hera, Jovie and Claire were walking to the canteen, they discussed about the secret places they might do. Hera mentioned the room in the basement and they told Claire all about the room. But they decided not to explore it since Leonora prohibited them from entering and that they have to share their encounter to the class. They bumped Into Isabel at the canteen. The four of them talked about the assignment while having their meal. They also shared some of their thoughts about it. Hera told Isabel that they're not sure what secret place they are exploring and it turns out Isabel has already found the place she wanted to explore but to get there, it might be a little inconvenient. Isabel suggested that they should go to the school's library to find out more about these secret places. The three of them nodded in agreement. After that, Hera, Jovie and Claire agreed to go to the library after school for information. While walking back to class, the four of them saw a bunch of students gathering at the door and windows of one of the classes. They were all peeping as if something was going on inside. Suddenly, they saw Mateo waving at them, insisting them to come over. They walked towards him, clueless about what was happening.
"Mateo, what's going on?" asked Isabel.
"It's the battle between Miss Daina and Miss Anemone!" said Mateo.
"Wait who's Miss Daina again?" asked Hera.
"Our Chemistry teacher, she came into our class yesterday, don't you remember?" said Jovie.
"Oh," Hera realised.
"What do you mean by battle?" asked Isabel.
"Look inside," said Mateo while looking into the class, through the window. The girls did the same, tiptoeing as there were many other students gathered around also trying to look. There were no students, only two teachers arguing in front.
"Anemone, must I remind you that this is Science, Chemistry to be specific but not magic," said Miss Daina.
"Daina, this is magic. Just like potions, they sparkle and change colours,"  said Miss Anemone while holding one of the test tubes with a blue liquid showing Miss Daina. She placed the test tube on one of the test tube holders and touched the wall of the test tube." See? This test tube is hot. If it isn't for magic, what is it?"
"This is salt. It changes colour when you mix different chemicals together. For example, when you add copper(II) oxide to sulphuric acid, neutralisation occurs. Copper(II) oxide is an alkali, while sulphuric acid is an acid, a diprotic acid to be specific," said Miss Daina while scooping some copper (II) oxide powder using a spatula. She poured it into a beaker half-filled with sulphuric acid placed on a tripod stand with a bunsen burner at the bottom. Miss Daina continued," When an acid and an alkali is mixed, they will form salt and water only." She stirred the mixture in the beaker using a glass rod. She continued adding a little copper(II) oxide, until it turns blue.
Miss Anemone's eyes widened as well as the students who were peeping from outside the class.
"Woah, Miss Daina did magic!" said Mateo.
"It's not magic, Mateo. That's neutralisation. It turned blue because copper(II) sulphate solution is formed. Copper(II) ion is blue, that's the reason the solution turned blue, not because of magic." explained Isabel.
Mateo, Hera, Jovie and Claire looked at Isabel, not understanding a thing she said. Abruptly, their attention reverted back to the teachers in the classroom. They continued arguing. Suddenly, they saw Isabel approaching the teachers through the window. They looked around, only realising that Isabel had walk away. They hurried to the door, not sure what was going to happen.
"Sis, what are you doing?" Mateo whispered while holding Isabel's arm. Isabel broke lose from his grip and walked towards the teachers.
"Miss Daina, Miss Anemone, magic is magic and chemistry is chemistry." said Isabel. Isabel went on explaining the difference between magic and chemistry. "So do you see the difference now?" said Isabel while looking at both teachers and all the students. Everyone looked at the three of them attentively. Their eyes followed to Mateo who was clapping sarcastically. He said, "Well said sister, haha," Mateo pulled his sister by the arm, signaling it wasn't a good idea to do this.
"Well said indeed, Isabel." said Miss Anemone with a sarcastic smile. She put her hands on Isabel's shoulders, "You see, Daina, even a kid understands this."
"I'm fourteen, I'm a teenager," said Isabel. Miss Anemone pouted.
"Miss Daina isn't wrong either," said Isabel. Miss Anemone looked at her, hands on the waist.
"You see, Anemone, even a _teenager_ understands better than you," said Miss Daina while placing her hands on Isabel's shoulders.
Isabel looked at Miss Daina and said, "Actually, the both of you didn't understand."
Both teachers looked at her, arms crossed.
"I think that's enough, haha," said Mateo nervously.
Isabel went on as if lecturing both the teachers. The more she said, the more furious they looked.
"Isabel, you are indeed a knowledgeable student. But bare in mind that the words you've said just now have crossed the line." said Miss Anemone in a fierce tone.
"You will be punished Isabel," said Miss Daina.
Isabel looked at them, eyes narrowed.
"But she was just bringing up a point," said Hera.
"It is one thing to bring up a point, it's another thing to be respectful. So both of you will be punished to clean the library after school," said Miss Anemone. Hera's eyes widened, realising she shouldn't have said that.
"Told you it wasn't a good idea," Mateo whispered to Hera and Isabel.
"I had a point," said Isabel.
Jovie and Claire laughed softly at the side.

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