Part 23 - Papers

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The next day, Hera and Jovie went to Isabel's house, which is the potion shop. The bell at the door jingled as they opened the door of the shop. Mateo's mother who was arranging the ingredients on the shelves turned around.
"Oh hello. Are you here to buy some ingredients?" asked Mateo's mother.
"Oh no, miss," said Hera.
"You can call me Clara," she said.
"Miss Clara, we're here to meet Isabel," said Hera.
"I'm here."
All of them turned and saw Isabel walking down the stairs cheerfully.
"I'll leave you girls then," said Clara with a smile. She continued arranging the jars.
"What brings you here?" asked Isabel with a wide smile, both hands behind her tilted head.
"You're in a good mood today," said Jovie.
"Of course I am!" she said while raising both her hands.
"Can we go upstairs? It's about the chamber," Hera said softly.
"Oh sure."
Both of them followed Isabel upstairs. The second floor looked just like a house.
"That explains why the building is so tall," said Jovie.
"What do you guys want to talk about?" asked Isabel.
Suddenly, Mateo poked his head out of one of the rooms, door half-opened. He looked tired. There were eye bags under his eyes. He looked at them and narrowed his eyes. They blinked back at him. After that, he slowly moved his head back into the room and closed the door.
"What has gotten into him?" asked Hera.
They heard the door opened again. This time, Mateo stepped out of his room. He was still in his pyjamas! He walked towards them and said, "You should be asking her," while pointing at Isabel. "She has been jumping up and down like a frog ever since she returned home yesterday!"
"Or a bunny," said Isabel.
"You guys really had a great time in the library, or the chamber I should say. That must've been an enjoyable punishment. So you know, last night she brought piles of papers to my room. Not only that, she made me stay up the whole night telling me everything she read from that chamber. Whenever I sleep, she would just wake me up!" said Mateo is a frustrating tone. Hera and Jovie laughed softly. After that, Mateo walked back to him room tiredly and closed the door.
"Now, you were saying?" Isabel turned to them.
"Oh you read all the books in the chamber last night right?"
"Most of them."
"Do you happen to remember anything about the Globe Of Light?"
"I think I do, why?"
"Then why does it glow brighter and brighter whenever a person walks closer to it?"
Isabel thought for some time and said, "I do remember reading about it, but I can't seem to recall the answer."
"Could you think harder?"
"Wait, I've written down everything I read while I was telling Mateo about it."
Isabel walked towards Mateo's bedroom, Hera and Jovie following behind. As she opened the door, they saw Mateo sleeping soundly on the bed. They looked around the room, eyes widened. There were papers all over the room, some in stacks and some all over the floor.
"I think you did read a lot," said Hera.
"Yes," said Isabel while scratching her head. "I think I need some time to find the paper I've written about the globe." She walked towards Mateo and snatched a paper Mateo was hugging to sleep.
"How about this, I'll come to your house when I've found the paper?"
"Sounds good," said Hera.
"In the mean time, I'll have to clean this place," said Isabel.
After that, Hera and Jovie returned home. They continued searching for information from the books in Leonora's lair. Teapea helped them. They searched and searched but still can't find anything about the globe. They had been searching from day until night.
"What is this?"
They turned to the lair's door. It was Claire.

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