Part 7 - Miss Gianna

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After they got their scrolls, they instantly opened it.
"Just one sentence of a riddle, yet we must think so hard," said Claire.
"What's the riddle?" asked Jovie.
"It says, I can allow you to experience life at different angles, taste food you don't usually eat, I'll allow you to move from one place to another whether on land or in the air, but if you want to move in the sea, you must find my friend," Claire read the scroll.
"Experience life from different angles? " said Claire.
"I know, an enlarging potion, " said Jovie.
"But how can you explain taste food you don't usually eat?" said Hera.
After school, they went to Claire's parents' coffee shop to think. They thought for a long time but still couldn't guess the potion. Suddenly, a woman entered the coffee shop and all the waiters started greeting her. The woman walked towards them.
"Miss Gianna!" Claire called.
"Hello dear. Are these your friends you've been talking about?" asked Gianna.
"Yes, this is Hera and Jovie. We are doing an assignment. Guys, this is my mom."
They greeted each other. Claire handed Gianna the scroll of the riddle.
"Hmm, well good luck girls! But I'm afraid Claire has to leave now. It's getting late, we should be heading home. You girls too!" said Gianna.
"Oh okay, then we'll continue tomorrow," said Hera.
"By the way girls, where do you live?" asked Gianna.
"Oh we live in one of the houses near the potion shop," said Jovie.
"Oh I see. We live on the mountains near the Enchanted Forest."
"Why not just live in one of the houses here?" asked Hera.
"It's more convenient. We could drop by the forest to pick our ingredients."
Hera and Jovie nodded understanding.

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