Part 17 - A New Assignment

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After that, Hera and Jovie were preparing for school. As they were about to leave the house, they heard a knock on the door. Jovie opened the door and it was Claire.
"Claire! What are you doing here?" said Jovie excitedly.
"I just want to drop by. We've never walked to school together," said Claire.
Jovie caught Hera looking at the basement door and said, "Hera, what are you looking at?"
"Why has Teapea been poking at the basement door since just now?" asked Hera.
Jovie looked at Teapea and walked towards her. Teapea caught them looking and started rolling on the floor playfully. Jovie picked Teapea up and said, "What are you doing, Teapea? Do you want to go inside?"
Suddenly, Teapea meowed and bounced off her grip. She ran out of the house. Claire almost fell, dodging Teapea.
"Now that was weird," said Jovie.
"Don't we have to go after her?" asked Claire.
"No need. Teapea always go out to explore or play with other cats. She'll be back by sun down," said Jovie.
Hera looked at the clock on the wall and said, "We're going to be late, we better hurry!"
The three of them hurried to school and they reached just in time. Right after that, Miss Anemone walked into class while holding a giant empty box in hand.
"Good morning class. As you know that magic has vanished over the years -"
"She keeps saying that," Mateo whispered to the girls.
"Mateo, could you pay attention," said Miss Anemone.
"Sorry teacher."
"Ok so, we have to collect all your potions and keep them in the town's sorcery lair. This is an order given everytime students brew potions."
The class mumbled in disagreement.
"I know that all of you are frustrated as the potion is not easily brewed but an order is an order. Now everyone, come forward and place your potion into this box."
Everyone obeyed and one by one they filled the empty box with their sparkling potions. Miss Anemone counted the amount of potions to ensure that everyone has placed in their potions. After that, Miss Anemone started the lesson for the day.
"Ok, there is a new assignment for all of you!" said Miss Anemone excitedly.
Everyone grumbled.
"Now class, this is going to be exciting and fun! All of you will be doing this assignment in a group of three. Also, it might be dangerous. All of you are going to explore..." she continued, "Long ago, kings, queens, sorcerers and many others held items that are dear and very valuable to them. Therefore, there are many secret passage ways and underground workshops hidden."
"So we need to find these secrets?" asked Mateo excitedly.
"Quick thinking! All of you are going to explore these secret places and gather information about them. Not only that, you will have to share your encounter with the class!"
Everyone murmured excitedly.
"Besides, these secret places could be anywhere in town or even in the Enchanted Forest! You're advised to search for information on these secret places before exploring it. Be warned, do not explore those which are dangerous or life-threatening."
"Miss Anemone, has anyone been to those secret places in books before?"
"Yes, but not all. So if anyone of you become the first to have been there, you could become famous! But I'll advise you not to."
"Why not?" asked Mateo.
"Those places that no one has been to before, may be just myths and legends or some could be too dangerous that even the explorers themselves dare not to enter."

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