Part 32 - Who You Chose To Be

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The three of them ran into the Enchanted Forest far from the house. After that, Hera stopped. Jovie and Claire looked at her.

"What do you want, Claire?" asked Hera.

"I just want to help you guys," said Claire while holding the scroll out towards her.

"How do we know if we can trust you? What if it's a trap just like the cave?"

"At the cave, I didn't know Miss Gianna will appear. I admit before this I was helping her find out who the keeper is. But she has never told me the reason to do so. Ever since she adopted me, she would teach me spells and potions. After that, she told me to find out who the keeper is. I never knew she was Jemisha until I saw the portrait in the chamber. For years, no one has treated me like a family until I met the both of you. As I was adopted, no one in school dared make friends with me. I knew I couldn't ask for your forgiveness. Despite that I'm sorry. So here's the scroll," said Claire while placing the scroll in the floor. After that, she turned her back and walked away.

"Hera, can't you forgive her?" said Jovie, while looking at Hera with glassy eyes.

"Wait," Hera called. Claire turned around. Hera walked towards Claire and said, "It isn't about where you came from but who you chose to be." She looked at Jovie who was smiling at her.

"I forgive you Claire," said Hera while smiling, tears rolled down her cheeks. The three of them hugged each other with joy. After that, they realised that the scroll was on the grass. The wind blew the grass and the scroll flew along with it but Claire grabbed it just on time. She opened the scroll and gave it to Hera. The three of them looked at each other confidently and smiled. They made their way out of the forest and into the house. The house was quiet.

"I know where the crystal ball is," whispered Claire. They followed her to a room. As Claire opened the door, they saw a crystal ball seated on a cushion on the table, light shined on to the crystal ball and reflected into their eyes. The room was spacious. There were curtains all over the walls. Hera placed the scroll on the table, in front of the crystal ball.

"Wow, this is a tongue twister," said Hera.

Claire and Jovie gathered beside her. As she uttered the words, her hands were pressing on the edges of the scroll. She saw one edge, curved and saw her drawing on the other side. Only, she didn't recall drawing it. "This isn't the scroll."

"What do you mean?" said Claire.

Suddenly, Hera saw one of the curtains moving. She looked at Claire and said, "It was too easy getting in here. This is a trap."
Jovie looked at Claire shocked.

"I did not," said Claire nervously.

Hera grabbed Jovie and was about to leave. But the door shut them in. Gianna appeared from behind the curtains, magic wand in hand.

"Of course this isn't the scroll," said Gianna slyly. "I switched the scroll with another before letting Claire get away with it. Now you must recite the spell."

Hera looked at Gianna fiercely.

"Reluctant to do so? I see," She waved her wand and lifted Claire, a cauldron with hot  bubbly red liquid formed below her.

"No!" Hera shouted.

"Recite the spell," said Gianna.

Hera looked at Claire with glassy eyes. She took the scroll, hands trembling. After that, she saw Claire shaking her head, signaling her not to. As she was about to read the first word, the door threw open. A beam of light shot Gianna's arm and she fell to the floor as well as her wand. Claire who was in midair was about to fall into the cauldron but something lifted her just in time, or a spell. They looked at the door.

"I couldn't find you girls ever since you left," said Leonora while smiling. Her wand pointed towards Claire, lifting her. She waved her wand and with a blink of an eye, the crystal ball floated and landed in Hera's palm. She whispered to Hera, "Find the scroll." After that, she looked at Gianna who was standing up.

"I'll take care of her," said Leonora. The three of them hurried out of the room.

"Why hello Junior," said Gianna slyly while pointing her wand at Leonora.

"No wonder you looked so familiar at first sight, Senior Jemisha," Leonora said in a deep tone.

They looked at each other with pointed wands. A beam of light blasted out from both their wands and their magic collided, forming a bright light in between.

It isn't about where you came from but who you chose to be - is inspired from Star Wars 😁

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