Part 20 - The Secret Chamber

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Both of them continued stepped further into the underground hallway. The floor was made of rocks as well as the walls. There were torches on the wall, lit up. Whenever they stepped deeper, the torches slowly light is, lighting their way. There were cobwebs and dust on the torch and walls, everywhere. It was really dusty and dirty. They reached a spacious place where a table stood in the middle. At the side, there was a room, the walls were curved, shaped like a cave. There were many sparkly boxes in that room. As they looked closer, the boxes were filled with glowing, sparkling potions.

"So this is the town's sorcery lair, a secret passage way in the library," said Isabel.
"Look" Hera pointed at the table. There were cracked cauldrons and magical ingredients that were no longer sparkling. There were also bottles and many other apparatuses. All covered in dusty cobwebs. "This must be the equipments used by sorcerers."
"Guess no one uses them anymore," said Isabel while brushing her finger across the table, collecting dust.
They continued walking deeper into the hallway and there were many other items and  cobwebs everywhere.
"Those items were once used by sorcerers of the past. I think this was a huge potion shop last time. Not ordinary potions but powerful ones," said Isabel while looking around.
"But this is an underground hallway, how are the people supposed to get into the shop?" asked Hera.
"I remember that there was a small slope beside the school."

On the walls, there were many portraits of famous sorcerers in the past with their names carved on the frames. One of them was Alacazar. Suddenly, they reached another spacious room with a few rows of bookshelves. They looked at each other excitedly, they've found the books. They walked towards the bookshelves started looking. Isabel was enraptured as she flipped through the pages and read them. After a few minutes, they still couldn't find the book.

"Did you find it Isabel?" asked Hera.
"What if the book of a lady and a sphere is not the title but instead the contents inside the book?" asked Hera.
"I've read all the books, there's none about a lady AND a sphere," said Isabel while looking at the books. They are mostly about sorcerers of the past and magical items, like the Globe Of Light."
Suddenly, a book from one of the lower shelves caught Isabel's eye. There was a single gold line on the spine of the book. Isabel took the book and brushed the dust off with her hands. The title of the book was, The Tale Of Harper. The name sounded familiar, she thought, but she couldn't remember it. Isabel found Hera in one of the rows of bookshelves and showed her the book.
"Harper?" said Hera.
"Does it ring a bell?"
Hera thought for a while then said, "I remember now! She's the last keeper of the crystal ball before she passed down the power."
"Ohh. Sounds interesting, let's check it out," said Isabel.
"Isabel, this book is only about a lady called Harper, no sphere, we better keep searching, " said Hera. She continued searching.
But Isabel was really curious about the contents of this book. Therefore, she opened the book and one chapter of the book caught her attention. "Hera, you have to check this out!"

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