Part 29 - Spirit Of The Cave

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They looked down the waterfall from high above.
"So we have to jump?" asked Claire.

"Well, this is where courage comes in," said Hera. "On the count of three we jump."
But Jovie was looking around thinking.

"Three... Two... One...," They jumped.
As they were falling, they looked up and saw what was behind the waterfall, the cave. The cave was hidden by trees surrounding it. They fell straight into the water and swam to the surface. After that, Hera and Claire realised that Jovie wasn't with them. They looked around and saw Jovie climbing down a tree which was as tall as the waterfall.

"You guys, we don't have to jump to get to the cave. All roads lead to Rome." said Jovie. After that, she walked towards the cave. Hera and Claire who were soaking wet looked at her jaw dropped. The three of them pushed aside the bushes and stood at the entrance of the cave. There were shattered glass all over the floor and the mouth of the cave was surrounded by cracked glass as if someone had broken in or maybe out.

"Wow, so this is where you grew up," said Jovie while looking at the cave with wide eyes.

They carefully entered the cave, dodging the shattered glass. As they walked deeper and deeper into the cave, it got darker and darker until they couldn't see anything.

"Is this how the lair looked like before you were punished for two weeks?" said Hera jokingly.
"Similar," said Jovie.

They stepped further into the cave and Jovie fell down.

"Jovie, are you alright?" said Hera.

"I'm fine. I just tripped over something."

"What was it?"

"Looks like a box," said Jovie while touching the object she tripped over.

All of a sudden, they heard a squeaky sound of a doll. Claire jumped and bumped into something. She fell and was lying on something.

"Claire," said Jovie breathless. Claire realised she was sitting on Jovie and stood up. "I just stood up just now," said Jovie catching her breath.

"What was that?" asked Hera.

"Sounded like a doll," said Claire.

"Maybe it was one of your toys?" said Jovie.

They looked around but still couldn't see anything. Abruptly, they heard a soft tender voice, "Welcome back Hera."

"What. Was. That." said Jovie.

Hera recognised that voice. It was the same voice that called her towards the light. "Come to me... Forget all about this cave..."

"Who are you?" Hera asked.

Unexpectedly, the cave slowly lit up. They saw everything around them. The torches on the cave walls were lighted. There were toys all over the cave. Pictures of plants on the walls. Hera looked around, eyes widened. She dreamt of this cave and everything in it. Now, she's here. The place where she grew up. Suddenly, a spec of light swirled and a lady-like creature formed before them, floating in midair. She had golden hair and skin.
"Welcome back, Hera. I'm the spirit of the Enchanted Cave," she said with an elegant voice.

"Spirit of the cave?" said Hera.

"Yes. Have you ever wondered how the cave supplies all the needs to its hostage?"


"And that magic is me. I watched you grow up, Hera. You're the keeper of the crystal ball. Look around this cave. Don't you remember anything?"

"I saw them in my dream a few times and remembered everything after that."

"Since you remember everything. Let me tell you a story." She floated gently around Hera and with a wave of her hand, the three of them sat on the floor.

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