Part 8 - The Crystal Ball

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The next day in school, Miss Anemone taught the class about a magical crystal ball.

"Does anyone know about this crystal ball?" asked Miss Anemone.
Claire raised her hand.
"The crystal ball is one of the most powerful magical items that holds all the answers in the world but it can only be accessed by its rightful owner," said Claire.
"Well done Claire, you must've done your homework. This crystal ball was made by the Malevolent Sisters. Long ago, these greedy evil sisters wished to control the entire magical world. There's also a myth about this crystal ball's magic. Therefore, they set out to search for the magical ingredients to make this crystal ball according to riddles that magically appears after they've solved one. "
"No wonder we need to solve riddles," Jovie whispered to Hera.
"Some people said that this crystal ball may invite trouble if wrongly used but that just made the Malevolent Sisters more eager to create it. After some time, they've finally made this crystal ball. They could finally get the answers they have been yearning for. So close yet so far. "
"This is where the hero comes in," Jovie whispered to Hera.
"Alacazar, a powerful and wise wizard defeated them and took hold of the crystal ball. The power of the crystal ball is now in Alacazar's hands. He is the new keeper of the crystal ball. He figured that it was best if this crystal ball was destroyed. Therefore, he set out for answers. He searched and searched for many years until he was too old. He had no choice but to pass on the power to a truthful and pure-hearted person. For many years, the power was passed on from one keeper to the next, all these keepers couldn't find the answer to destroy the crystal ball. "
"Why not just throw it on the floor and shatter it?" asked a boy.
"That will not fully destroy it. Someone could put all the pieces together and reform it."
"But if the keeper is dead, the crystal ball wouldn't have a keeper and it would solve all these destroying crystals problem." said the boy again.
"In every keeper's circulatory system, a melted crystal, which is a part of the crystal ball will flow throughout the body. If the keeper dies, the melted crystal will reform to become a solid and anyone could pick it up and become the next keeper. This crystal ball can't fall into the wrong hands or our world will be in grave danger. "
The whole class looked at each other in fear and started mumbling. Miss Anemone clapped her hands to get their attentions.
"Ok class, we will continue more about this crystal ball during the next lesson."
"Miss Anemone, I have a question," asked the boy. "What happened to the crystal ball after that?"
"I said, we will continue more about this crystal ball next lesson. Class is dismissed." said Miss Anemone, annoyed.
While the three of them were heading to the coffee shop, they chatted along the way and discussed about what happened during class.
"That crystal ball sounded scary," said Jovie.
"You kept talking to me during class," said Hera.
"I heard her whispering," Claire laughed.
"By the way, who was that boy who kept asking questions?" asked Hera.
"Oh him? He's Mateo, the class joker. He likes to joke around but sometimes he appears to be joking but actually he's not," said Jovie.
"Oh anyways, do you guys have any clues regarding the riddle?" asked Hera.
"Experience life from different angles and taste food we don't usually eat? It doesn't add up!" said Claire.
"My head's spinning," said Jovie.
"How about we go to the school's library to search for clues?" said Claire.
"That sounds like a good idea!" said Jovie.
"But isn't the library closed, now that school's over?" asked Hera.
"The school's library is actually the town's library. During school, the library is only opened to students like us, but outside school hours it is opened for all until a certain hour," answered Jovie.
"Oh I see," said Hera
They made their way to the library. After that, they searched for hours and hours until there isn't daylight.
"We've been searching for the whole afternoon! Yet, we can't find anything!" said Jovie, frustrated.
Suddenly, they saw Mateo and his group. They were about to leave the library. Mateo approached them and asked, "Are you guys still guessing the potion?"
"We've been here for the whole afternoon!" said Jovie.
"Oh good luck! Because we've just figured out ours! It's an enlarging potion! Imagine after brewing the potion, we could be as tall as a giraffe or as big as a whale! I wonder what life looks from way up there."
The last sentence caught Hera's attention.
"Wait, could you repeat the last sentence you've said?" said Hera.
"I wonder what life looks from way up there?"
"As tall as a giraffe , as big as a whale. Wonder what life looks from way up there?" said Hera, still thinking.
"What do you mean?" asked Jovie.
Hera searched for the scroll and read it over and over again. Jovie and Claire surrounded her trying to keep up. Meanwhile, Mateo peeped from behind wondering what's going on.
"I got it! It's a shapeshifting potion!" said Hera.
"Now I get it. When we're shapeshifted into something else, we can experience life as that creature, eat the food those animals eat!" said Jovie.
"Some creatures eat humans for your information. But how do you explain the last two lines?" asked Claire.
"Could it be a bird shapeshifting potion? There are many types of shapeshifting potions. Birds can move in land and fly in the air but they can't swim," said Jovie.
"Ask my friend meaning other shapeshifting potions!" said Hera.
The three of them looked at each other in excitement. They hugged each other whole jumping up and down.
"Shapeshifting potion? I wished we have gotten your scroll. Anyways, shouldn't you guys give me some credit? Since I helped you somehow," said Mateo while snickering.

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