Part 12 - All Because Of The Night Raccoons

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"Did he fall into the well again?" asked Isabel.
"Guess he did," said Hera.
Few minutes ago, Mateo was the first who started running away from the Night Raccoons. He was running like a cheetah for his dear life.
"Mateo, slow down! Night Raccoons are actually tame creatures!" said Isabel loudly.
"Not after what happened ten years ago!" Mateo shouted while running.
"That raccoon ten years ago just wanted to play with you, but you were struggling like crazy! That's the reason your pants ripped!" said Isabel.
Isabel and Hera chased after Mateo and they were finally out of the forest. Unfortunately, Mateo kept running. He tripped and fell.
"Did he fall into the well again?" asked Isabel.
"Guess he did," said Hera.
"Hey you still alive down there?" Isabel's voice echoed the dry well.
"This was exactly what happened ten years ago!" Mateo's sharp voice echoed through.
Suddenly, they saw a woman's shadow walking towards them. The woman was getting closer and closer. Finally, they saw the woman's face.
"Miss Gianna?" said Hera.
"What are you kids doing in the mountains at this late hour?" asked Gianna.
"Collecting ingredients for our potion from the forest," answered Hera.
"Oh I see," said Gianna. She heard some noise coming from the well and looked into the well. "Looks like your friend needs some help."
"It's all because of the Night Raccoons!" Mateo's voice echoed.
They helped Mateo out of the well and were ready to head down the mountains.
"Oh I see your friend got some Paraluspaps," said Gianna.
"Yes, I read about it in books!" said Isabel. Suddenly, she saw a basket in Gianna's hand, it was glowing and sparkling. "Oh you collected some ingredients too?"
"Erm, yeah..." said Gianna.
"It's glowing brighter than those I saw in the forest. What is it?" asked Isabel.
"Oh just some other rare ingredients. It's hard to find."
"But we didn't see anyone in the forest just now" said Mateo while fixing his shirt.
"The forest is huge. We might have been at two different corners. I think you kids better get back home now. It's getting late."
After the three of them went back to their respective homes, Hera had dinner with Jovie and Leonora. She told them her encounter in the Enchanted Forest. She went to bed soon after and fell asleep.
She was in a room with grey walls and couldn't find a way out. Suddenly, she saw a bright beam of light and heard a voice.
"Hera wake up!"
Hera jolted awake. It was Jovie.
"It's time for school! We're going to be late!" said Jovie.
Hera hurried out of bed and prepared for school. It's just a dream, she thought, or was it.

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