Part 25 - Her Expression

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They gathered information about the secret place from the school's library. Hours past and the sun was setting.
"Hey guys," whispered Hera.
Jovie and Claire looked at her.
"This is our chance to enter the room," Hera whispered again.
"I don't know, Hera. I'm really tired now," said Jovie.
"Come on, this is our chance. There's no one in the library except for the librarian! Claire say something," said Hera softly.
"She's right," said Claire.
"Who is?" Hera and Jovie said together, both pairs of eyes looking at Claire.
"Hera's right. Come on Jovie," said Claire.
"You know I heard you yawn just now," said Jovie.
"Did I?" Claire looked left and right. "No one saw it. Let's go."
"Fine," said Jovie, eyes narrowed.
The three of them quietly went to the second floor. Hera pulled one of the books out and it turned them in. Jovie and Claire looked around the room, amazed. They quickly walked to the room with the books and started searching. Hera found the book of Harper and placed it aside. Jovie took the book from Hera and held it to Claire's face, "Your mom."
Claire looked at her, expressionless. They continued searching for information on the crystal ball and the spell to destroy it. They searched and searched for a few minutes.
"I think night has already fallen. We should get going," said Claire.
Hera and Jovie nodded. On their way out, they passed by the hall of the Best Sorcery Students. Jovie looked at her mother's portrait and touched the frame. Her hands slowly moved from the top to the bottom of the frame where the words were carved. "Mom looked so young. I still can't believe she was a sorceress."
After that, they headed for the exit. They saw Claire looking at one of the portraits attentively. They saw the expression in her eyes. Claire was shocked.
"What's wrong Claire?" asked Hera.
Claire looked at them and said, "Oh nothing, we better get going."
After that, she continued walking towards the exit. Hera and Jovie looked at each other, puzzled. After that, Hera stopped and looked at the portrait Claire was staring at. It was the blonde-haired woman who she found familiar, Jemisha. The woman who Leonora claimed was the grandchild of the Malevolent Sisters, the one who killed Harper and Eden,the one who seeks the power of the crystal ball which will put the world in danger. Jemisha, such a strange name, yet she looked familiar. She looked at Claire who was walking with Jovie towards the exit. Why did she look shocked? Does she know Jemisha? She thought.
After they left the library, they parted ways and returned home. When Hera and Jovie reached home, they saw Leonora sitting on the couch thinking, while Teapea sleept soundly beside her. She looked frightened. She realised their return and looked at them with a smile.
"Oh you girls are finally home," said Leonora.
"Yea," Jovie said while yawning.
"We went to the secret chamber to look for the spell," said Hera.
"Oh I see. Umm," she said while thinking. "Well you girls are exhausted, off to bed now. Jovie, could you come here for a moment?"
Jovie looked at her mother curiously and walked towards her. Leonora looked at Hera and waited until she had closed bedroom door.
"What do you want to tell me? Hera can't know?"
"While you girls were at Claire's, Isabel came. She found out why the globe has been glowing in such a way. Since you girls weren't home, she told me. She said that the globe only glows this way if..." She paused for a moment and continued.
"What?!" Jovie gasped.

Who do you think is Jemisha and why did Claire looked at the portrait attentively? Why does Hera find Jemisha familiar?

What did you think Leonora tell Jovie that made her shocked?

Comment!!! 🙃

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