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dedicated to -reyskywalker because she has a hsm fic out i love her for that (and the OC is taylor swift, how can you go wrong there?).


"Chinese food or pizza?" was the question of the evening and a hard choice of food. The two options were both very delicious, and Arabella couldn't choose which.

"You know, I had a Chinese man yesterday, so I vote pizza," said Arabella.

Caroline glared at Arabella. "I meant the food!"

"Right, I knew that," Arabella declared.

A chuckle escaped Elena's mouth. "Like you have to ask."

"I will get it," said Caroline, grabbing the tablet. She paused after seeing a picture of her and Matt on the screen, to which Bonnie stepped in and ordered the pizza instead.

"Do you believe that Jonas' is being sincere?" Elena asked her witch friend. Arabella glanced at the Bennett witch, wanting to know the answer as well.

"I don't know what to believe. I think he's at a loss, he's not sure who to trust," stated Bonnie.

"Sincere about what?" questioned Arabella, furrowing her eyebrows at the two.

"We asked Jonas to help us kill Klaus," said Bonnie.

Arabella pursed her lips. "He was faithful to Elijah and he was probably upset about the fact you lot killed him, so I wouldn't believe it."

Bonnie sighed a bit and ran a hand through her hair. "This witch and warlock stuff is confusing."

Arabella laughed and raised her cup a bit. "Toast to that."

"What are we going to do about this movie situation?" Caroline inquired, switching the topic.

Arabella wrinkled her nose. "If there's one thing I know is that you people have the worst taste in movies."

"What about The Notebook?" Caroline suggested, ignoring Arabella's insult.

Arabella groaned and put her head down on the granite top. "Point proven."

"Caroline, how many times have you seen that movie?" Elena asked, humor laced in her voice.

"That is so not the point," Caroline argued.

Arabella lifted her head up and glared at the blonde vampire. "No!" Caroline scoffed.

"Well, yeah I mean. . ." Elena trailed of after seeing Jenna walk in, and Arabella looked at the woman and smiled sympathetically. She heard about her and Alaric's breakup.

"Hey," Elena greeted awkwardly.

"What's going on?" asked Jenna.

Arabella raised her glass full of iced-tea. "Girls night!"

Jenna's shoulder's sagged a bit and nodded. "Oh."

Arabella shot a guilty look at Elena and Elena sighed a bit, "how are you doing?"

Jenna looked up slowly. "You heard about my fight with Ric."

"He feels terrible," Elena remarked, trying to somehow cheer Jenna up.

"Is this some kind of disguised attempt to cheer me up?" Jenna asked.

"No, no, no, this is about us girls hanging out and you know, we'll be here if you happen to want to talk, or..."

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