Monster Hunter

21 1 5

Sonic shivered a bit in the snow as the group walked towards the ice skating rink.
He'd been with Camila and her family for about a week now, no luck with the portal. But Luz wasn't ready to give up.

But today, they was taking a break to go ice-skating on the frozen lake.
"You ever done this before back at home?" Luz questioned her girlfriend, Amity.
"No, never. This never happens on the broiling isles."

"It better not break," Sonic stated, keeping an eye on the ice.
"It's not gonna break.." Luz laughed, "It's really thick, I promise. Besides, if it does, there's security here,"
"I can't swim," Sonic admitted.

"I don't think that they have ice skates for your size anyway," Willow realized.
"Oh, it's fine, honestly. I'll just stay here,"

"I'll stay as well," Hunter suddenly stated.
"Ok?" Luz raised an eyebrow, "Well, go get a drink or something," she told them, the rest of them making their was onto the ice.

It was only when the two was walking to the drinks stand that they bumped into a familiar face..


"What is that thing?" He rudely asked, pointing at Sonic.
"Hey, woah, woah! Time out there!" Sonic looked at the new face, "Not cool dude!"

"Heh. A new demon, demon-boy?"
"I'm not a demon! I'm a human! A completely normal human!" Hunter shouted at him, "And this.. is my cat. I learnt him how to talk, isn't he clever?"

Jacob wasn't buying it, "No, I know what's going on here, I've seen it!" He yelled out, "Everyone, these guys are demons! Real demons! Monsters! Are you not going to do something about it?"

Sonic stared at him, "why do you sound like me?"

"Wha-? No I don't!" Jacob whined like a baby
"Yes you do!" Sonic stated back

"Come on, let's go," Hunter turned around, Sonic following.
"I'll rat you out some day!" He yelled at them, "You'll see!"

"Who the heck was that?" Sonic questioned.
"A demon hunter," Hunter sighed, "A crazy man, I know. Just, stay away from him," he advised, the two continuing their way to the stand.


"Can I ask a few questions, please?" Hunter questioned as the two sat down.
"Ok. What's the name of your species? Is the blue natural, or dyed? Is there any more of you?"

"Uh.. I'm a Möbian, and yes, it's natural. There's a full half of a planet of Möbians." Sonic answered.
"That's so cool!" The star struck Hunter went on, asking more questions, eventually asking about his friends.

"Well, there's my best friend and brother Tails, and then there's Knuckles and Amy. Vector, Espio, Charmy. Oh, and Cream and Vanilla," Sonic's voice seemed quiet, like he was thinking.
"You miss them, don't you?"

"Wha-? I guess? I mean, it's Christmas, and we had plans, and Tails is probably worried sick about me. Not to mention Vanilla.." Sonic thought, Hunter nodding, just letting him go in his rant,

"I miss Vanilla so much," he finally admitted, "The way she was patient with me, the way she doesn't mind when I fall asleep on her couch, the way she believed in me when no one else did,"
"She sounds a lot like Camila," Hunter decided.

"She was," Sonic agreed, "Camila gives me that same feeling that I get when I'm around Vanilla,"
"It's the feeling of someone who finally treats you like a living being," Hunter sighed, the two locking eyes as they understood that the other knew exactly what it was like, "heh,"

"In a way, she was like a mother to me," the blue sighed, realizing that it was true.

There was a few moments of silence between to two, before flapjack started chirping like crazy.
"Flapjack, what is it?" The two felt a shadow gloom over them, "Oh boy,"

Of course it was Jacob, "Well, thank you for that lovely conversation boys," he showed them a camera, "now, I have all the proof I need to rat the blue one out," he laughed, Sonic's face immediately falling.

"Oi!" The three all heard a voice of someone rushing over, a police officer, "I've warned you about messing with these kids," she yelled.
"Ah. But officer, this time I really do have proof that one of them's a demon," he showed the camera, but she pushed it away,
"I couldn't care less, now go!" She warned one last time, and the man gave up, deciding to take matters into his own hands again.

"You two ok?" She questioned. She knew for a fact that there was something with these teens, not to mention the sudden appearance of a talking animal, but like she said, she couldn't care less.

The two slowly nodded, Sonic wondering how everyone was doing at home


"Hey, Sonic? Do you want to help get the tree up?" Tails called into his room, but there was no answer. Heh, I guess he just went for a run. I'll put it up but I'll wait for him to get back to decorate it.

The kit rushed down the stairs, starting on building the tree, "He'd probably only just get confused by it," Tails convinced himself, "I'm sure he's just out running somewhere. I hope he's not slipped over again." Tails laughed a bit, putting the last branch on. Still no sign of Sonic.

"He's fine," Tails continued to convince himself, grabbing the tin of hot chocolate powder from the cupboard, warming a pan on milk.
By now, the sky was dusky, and it was icy outside, Tails getting more and more worried with every inch the sun dropped in the sky.

"I'll just phone him," He decided, but there was no signal on his friend's phone.

The sun had continued to completely set, and Sonic was no where to be seen. It was pitch black outside, and snowing hard, the temperature way below freezing.

"I'm going to have to look for him," Tails decided, grabbing a flashlight and his Miles Electric.

Sonic, you'd better be ok,

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