Blurry Vison

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  This oneshot is brought to you by me being a dumbass

Despite it being mid-November, Sonic and Tails had found themselves in the park hanging out with Amy, Knuckles, and Tangle.

The hyper-active lemur leapt trough the air, catching the frisbee, "To you Sonic!" She shouted, throwing it towards the blue.
But to everyone's surprise he let the steel object hit him in the face.

"Ow!" He complained, getting up from the floor, the four running over.
"Wow, slow reaction there dude," Knuckles smirked, but Sonic just shook his head.

"I didn't even see it. Must have come out of nowhere," Sonic laughed, but Tails looked at him concerned.
"Sonic, it was right in front of you,"
"It was? Well, come to think of it, it did look like a blur, slowly coming into vision." Sonic explained and Tails nodded.

"Hm. Let me try something. Sonic, how many fingers am I holding up?" The fox held up three fingers, and Sonic responded with the same.
"Ok, what about now?" Tails walked further away, now showing four, and he could see Sonic squinting.

"Ugh... I don't know? Is this because I was hit in the head? I thought that seeing things further away as fuzzy was normal," Sonic questioned.
"Sonic... I can't believe you. Come on, let's go," he grabbed his brother's arm, pulling him along.

"Ok but where are we going?" Sonic asked.
"Where do you think? To the opticians you absolute knucklehead," Tails pulled him into a building.

"Yah... um.. you're going to have to explain what an opticians is," Sonic admitted.
"It's an eye doctor," Amy walked in, followed by Knuckles, Tangle had some errands to run.

"Hm? There's nothing wrong with my eyes?" Sonic genuinely looked confused, so Amy explained how not everyone sees far away objects blurry.

"It's fine" she added, "I'm color blind, I.. admittedly.. can't see blue. But you need to check it out in case it's serious,"
"He says that he's ready for him to see you now,"
Tails walked back into the waiting room, Sonic getting up from the seat.
"Ok but I don't see the deal, I've seen like this my whole life, and I don't reall.." Sonic stopped when he saw a tray of equipment on the side. A few long needles, bottles of fluid and a few other scary looking instruments.
"Oh HECK no!" Sonic went to walk out of the door, but both Knuckles and Amy blocked his way.

"Come on, just get them checked out you scaredy-cat," Knuckles insisted.
"I'm not a cat!" Sonic pouted, "And I'm not going anywhere near those things," he sat down on the floor in protest.

"Please, Sonic? I promise that they're not going to use those," Tails asked, and Sonic got up from the floor.
"Fine," he got up and walked to the chair, sitting in it, and the Optician came over.
"Ok? What does it look like when you see?"

"Like I'm seeing," Sonic sarcastically stated, and Tails slapped his forehead.
"Sonic, please just be serious."

"My limit is five seconds," he continued to joke.
"Well, at least we know he's back to normal," Knuckles stated.
"Shut up," Tails snapped back.

"Ok, let's try something different," the man pulled down a large sheet with letters printed on it, all various different sizes.
"Read these," he instructed.

"Ok? Um... A, CHTC, BTDLA, um.. is that an.. elephant?" Sonic questioned.
"Da fuck?" Tails said under his breath.

"What? It looks like one," Sonic shot him a look.
"Well, at least we know you're hearing's fine," The fox mumbled.

The doctor did a few more tests, including shining a light in his eyes, much to Sonic's disliking.

"Everything's fine, he's just short-sighted," the man concluded.
"The eye type or the not seeing into the future type?" Sonic asked.
"Yes," Tails just responded with.

Sonic just start there, awkwardly. "Great.. that's.. amazing. Can I go now?"
"Wait!" The doctor held out a a large pale.
"This, is a bucket!"
"Dear chaos!" Sonic joked.

"There's more.." the doctor tried to continue, but Sonic wasn't done,

The doctor just sighed,
"As I was saying.. this is bucket with some left over Halloween candy. Take some if you want,"

Sonic peered in, slightly annoyed that this doctor thought that he was a kid, but alas, he took some.
"I will take it, but I am highly offended by it!" He quoted as he walked out the room. "Oh and, thanks,"

And with that, he was gone. Tails thanked the doctor, relieved that his brother was just a little short-sighted.
"Can we just go back to the park now? And what was that you said Amy about not seeing blue? So, what color do you see me as?" Sonic questioned.

"Wait, you're blue?!" Amy was shocked, "I thought that you was grey," she slapped her forehead.
"A-ha. Well, I guess that explains why you always mistake Shadow and Silver for me," he realized, rushing off.

"Wait," Knuckles thought hard, "If you can't see well, then how come you can see where you're going when you're running."
"I don't?" Sonic stopped in front of him, walking backwards, "I can just feel where I am. Besides, I have other senses, such as smell, hearing, feel."
"And that sixth one, remember?" Amy reminded.

"Right.. that too." Sonic had an uncanny ability to be able to know what happens in the short future*

"That's.. interesting.." Tails just smiled, not sure how pleased he was with the information he'd been given.

"I'm hungry," Son I suddenly realized.
"Is their ever a time that you're not," Amy questioned, glancing at him.

"Yes.. maybe.. no..?" Sonic sighed, "I don't know? But, I do know something. I want ice cream," he started walking down the street to the local ice cream parlor, the rest looking at each over shaking their heads at their friend's seemingly one-track mind.

That was when Tails noticed Sonic running straight towards a new lamppost.
"Wait, Sonic! Stop!.."

To late for that, he'd already ran straight into it.

*Yes, Sonic having a sixth sense is canon in the mainline media

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