I won't be home for Christmas...

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Sonic woke up that morning to the realization of what day it was.

Christmas Eve.

I'm probably going to just be in the way of whatever these guys have planned, I'll just go out for a run. He decided, pulling on the bright red and white jumper Camila had brought him, slipping out the house quickly before anyone could see him.

It's still pretty early, I'm sure that no one's even about, he was quite far from Camila's place now, and was thinking about heading back, it was pretty chilly out and had started snowing again, when he felt a sharp pull pull him to the ground.

"What?" He looked to find some sort of snare caught on his leg, "Oh great," he sarcastically said, trying to pull it off.

No luck.

"I can assume that this was that Jacob?" Sonic asked no one on particular, looking around. "Welp. Guess I'm gonna have to wait until someone comes round, and hope that it's not Jacob first," he shivered.


"Sonic, great news!" Amity turned into the living room, "We've got the portal working!" She looked around the room, no hedgehog was to be found, and Gus, Vee, and Hunter all shrugged.
"He went for a run, but that was this morning" Hunter told her, and she gasped.
"Oh no," she rushed back to Luz, the three following, "Luz! Sonic went out this morning and hasn't returned,"
"Jacob!" Luz snapped, standing up.


Sonic tried to get his leg free, but no luck. Every time he pulled, the trap became tighter, and was beginning to tear his skin.
A shadow appeared from the woods. and Sonic could just make out that it was, Jacob.
"Oh, you again," he gave him on of those 'not interested' looks.

"Ho ho! Merry Christmas to me!" Jacob gleamed, rubbing his hands together.


"Come on! The museum is this way," Vee shouted, leading them across the snow, Camila waving her flip-flop.
"If he has even touched that dear boy, he's gonna face my wrath again!" She whispered angrily as they approached the house, before noticing how nervous Vee seemed.
"Hey, what's up sweetie?" She bent down to her level.

"Last time I was here, it was me. Titan knows what he wanted to do to me," she whispered.
"You can stay here if you want,"
"No," they whispered, "You're going to need all the help you can get. Jacob scares me, but that's more of a reason to face him."

Meanwhile, Jacob had shoved the blue into his small round cage, "Ow! Hey! Wat-mmm!" Jacob quickly tied something around his muzzle and securing it at back of his head, before chaining his wrists up.
"Now. You're going to sit there quietly until I deal with you," he turned to his desk, identifying some camera footage.
There was little to no room to move around in the cage, definitely no room to spin-dash it open, so he resorted to putting his fingers up behind Jacob's back, annoyed at him.
Ah yes, of all places I wanted to be at on Christmas Eve, it was kidnapped in some random dude that sounds like me's house. Heh. At least it's warm in here

Jacob turned back to him, glaring into his soul. "Now I have it. I have all the proof that you demons exist." He laughed a little, taking some pictures, Sonic letting out a muffled protest.

"Yeah well, you better get used to it. Because you're never coming out if that cage. Ever. You'll be forced to be caged and chained for the rest of your life," He stopped before laughing, "Or what's left of your life. Eventually after I've made as much money of you as I can, I'll just dissect you,"

He laughed as he watched the hedgehog struggle with the chains before trying to pull the gag of his face, trying to shout.
He then covered cage with a cover, making it pitch black in there.

The man was about to go to bed when Sonic heard a crash, followed by Camila's voice.

"How dare you do this to one of the kids again!" She yelled, and Sonic heard a few slaps from a flip-flop.

The cover was suddenly pulled down, Sonic blinking through the light to see Vee and Hunter stood there, "We've got to get you out of there," they looked around for a key, spying it on the desk.

Camila had just about got the slap out of her flip flop, Jacob sat in a pathetic heap on the floor.
"Please, stop! Just take it! Just take it!"

Camila managed to get on more slap out the shoe for good measure, before walking to the small group.

"Hey, you ok? Did the crazy man hurt you at all? If he has.. I swear to-!"
"No, I'm fine," he sighed, "just small bruising. Come on, let's go back,"

Hunter, Vee, and the rest of them all exchanged glances, he seemed really down beat.
"Hey? You ok?" Hunter asked, and they heard him sigh.
"It's Christmas Eve, I miss my friend back at home, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it this time. Tails is probably worried sick about me, same with Vanilla and her family. I just want to go back, and see them all, even if Tails is going to his parents who hate me's house." He explained all at once.

"Hey, you got us," Hunter said, but Sonic shook his head.
"No. You guys had plans. Everything you've done, I've just been in the way. That's why I went out this morning, to give you some space."

"You're not in our way," Camila laughed a little.
"Besides, we got the portal working," Luz explained, "You can go home now," she watched him brighten up.
"Really? Wait, this isn't a joke is it?" He asked, and Camila frowned.

"Why would it be a joke?" She asked, but the blue just shook his head.
"Doesn't matter."

"I think he has trust issues" Hunter whispered, and Camila nodded.


Sonic breathed in looking through the portal, it sure looked like home. And then in the distance, he saw Tails, still looking for him.
"Tails!" He called, getting ready to go through, Oh Wait

He turned back to the group, "Hey, um. Thanks. For everything." He looked over to hunter, "See you around?"
The kid nodded, tearing up a little as he stepped through, "I'm gonna miss that little guy," he said, Flapjack tweeting in agreement.

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