...Or maybe I will?

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Tails shivered a bit from the cold as he knocked on the door. It was about a week until Christmas, and he was worried sick about Sonic. Why hadn't he seen him? He definitely wasn't in a good place to just go off by himself all this time. Not anymore. Not after the incident. He seemed fine, but Tails still wasn't convinced.

Eventually, Vector appeared around it, "Yes kiddo?"
"Sonic's missing," Tails explained, more tears forming in his eyes.

Vector's eyes grew wide. It was snowing pretty hard out there, even Tails was shivering, and he had all of that fur. If Sonic was out there lost, it wouldn't take long for his body to start shutting down into a hibernation.

"Come in kiddo," he motioned to come in, Tails grateful of it's warmth. The house looked beautiful decorated for Christmas, all beautiful twinkling lights glowing gold, the tree in the living room, everything about it felt homey. It made him miss Sonic even more. They was going to decorate the tree, and watch movies, and have parties, invite some friends round, listen to music, and do all sorts. Just him and his best friend.

But he was gone, and all sorts of things went through his head. What if he was walking on ice and didn't realize and fell in? What if he slipped over and is too hurt to get up? What if he's trapped somewhere, shouting for us. I really hope it's not any of those.

"Ok," Vector appeared again with Vanilla, along with Cream, Charmy, and Espio, "Get your coats and stuff ready, we're going to find Sonic," He took the keys for Vanilla's people carrier, a flashlight, and his phone, Vanilla grabbing a first aid kit and a few blankets.

But, obviously, they didn't find him, Tails getting more and more worried, and he could tell that Vanilla was also getting pretty stressed.

"This isn't like Sonic in the winter," Tails explained, "He likes the warmth, he'd never be outside late in the night,"


About a week passed, still no sign of the hedgehog anywhere, and today was Christmas Eve.
Even the police, the G.U.N., his friends, everyone had been looking as well, but of course no luck.

They looked for the blue every day, for hours and hours on end in the freezing cold, still nothing.

It must have been the quietest Christmas Eve. No one really wanted to listen to Christmas music, or eat the tubs of chocolates or the cookies, or watch movies.

"We was going to go to the park today to the ice rink," Tails told Vanilla, holding back tears, "Even though he hates it. Because last time he slipped over and got a small concussion," he laughed a little before finally letting the tears fall, "Where the heck could he be? He would never purposely break a promise. What if he's trapped somewhere, shouting for help, but no one's heard him?"

Vector just nodded slowly. He knew for a fact that if that was the case, he'd be long gone by now. Unless someone else had found him. But even so, everyone knows Sonic. They'd definitely had told someone by now.

"Wait, we haven't asked Eggman!" Tails suddenly jumped up, rushing to the door. Vector slapped his head, of course! It seemed obvious, really.


Knocking on the door to the evil lair, it slowly opened, revealing Eggman stood there with Stone.
"Why hello friend of my mortal enemy, did you come for the party?"
"What? No!" Tails shouted, "I know you've got Sonic, let him go!"
"Wha-? You've got that all wrong, we haven't seen that spiky menace in a while, isn't that right my love?" He turned to the man next to him.
"No, we haven't," Stone admitted, "last time I saw him he was with Princess Blaze,"
"Well, there you go! No rat, goodbye!" He then went to slam the door, before looking at the fox's face again.

"You're really worried about him, huh?" He asked, and Tails nodded, "Fine. Come in for a bit. But only because it's Christmas. Orbot! Cubot! Get five cups of hot chocolate ready!"

Tails nodded to the others, all of them keeping their guard up.
"I can assure you that even though I am an evil genius, I am not heartless. I wouldn't ever keep anyone from their family on Christmas," he explained, and Tails seemed confused.

"Then where is he?" The fox questioned as they finished their drinks.

"I don't know kid. I really don't," Eggman said one last time, sounding sad.

Tails turned around to face the others, defeated. "Come on," he sighed, let's just go to the park,"


The park looked lovely, just as Tails had envisioned it to be. Lights hung from every lamp, it was snowing again, large fluffy speaks making a blanket of white, and people happily ice skating and enjoying the festive music.

"Come on! Let's go see the Christmas tree," Vector grinned, trying to keep everyone's mind of Sonic being missing.
The tree looked just as great as the rest of the park. It was placed next to the play park, near the flower beds.

It reminded Tails of back in early July, when Sonic couldn't walk and was in the wheelchair, laughed a little at the memory of him rolling down the small back by accident.

But then he remembered what happened afterwards. When they went home and he had a panic attack. That had been the first of many.
Oh Sonic, why didn't I see it through with you? I regret ever getting mad at you, and leaving you to struggle by yourself. Are you still mad? Is that why you ran away?

It just, didn't feel the same to Tails without his best friend there.
I just, I wish I knew where he was.

"Sonic! Where are you?!"

All of a sudden, there was a bright light, some sort of portal forming.

And I bet you already know who was stood in it.

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