A day in the life of Vanilla

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Creds to the.plottery on Instagram for the prompt

At exactly 7 am, a clock starting sounding the alarm of a new day. It's owner, a young Rabbit lady, awoke, yawning and stretching delicately.
Time to wake Cream up.

Putting a pair of slippers on Vanilla walked into the little girl's room.
"Hey baby girl. Time to get up," she gently stroked her head, until the kitten was awake.
Happy that she would now get ready for school, she went downstairs to make breakfast and feed the chaos.

About ten minutes later, and Cream came down, bag ready as well.
"Hey dearie. Breakfast is on the table," she then quickly went into the garden and cut a few flowers making a large bunch. Satisfied, she returned inside.
A few moments later, and the two set off. The school was quite a while away, meaning that Vanilla had to drive her there.

Upon arriving, before going inside, Vanilla spotted Vector with Charmy bee.
"Why hello there," she greeted.
"M'lady!" He grinned, "What plans have you got for today?" He blushed a little, but Vanilla shook her head, "I'll tell you later." She turned her attention back to Cream, "Ok dearie, have a wonderful day," she kissed the top of her head, the two kids then running into the school, just as the bell went of.
"Look at those two. I'm so proud," Vector grinned, before turning back to Vanilla, "Now, what was wrong?"
"I'm about to go visit Sonic," Vanilla told, "I'm assuming Tails told you what happened?"
"Yeah. Poor kid. This year has not been nice to him at all." He waited a few minutes before continuing, "Well, I'd love to join you but I have a meeting this morning. So I'll see you this afternoon,"
The two then parted ways, and Vanilla drove to the large city hospital. It wasn't often she came into the human cities, but she didn't mind it.

Walking into the building, she was greeted by a G.U.N. worker, "You must be Vanilla Rabbitson. Tails told me you was coming this morning. My name's Topaz, by the way."
The two gave each other a friendly smile, before Topaz escorted Vanilla to the room, "I will warn you now, he's not doing so good, he hasn't eaten, drank anything, and refuses any care"

Vanilla wasn't surprised at all to find Tails in there, sat in a chair in one of the corners, looking out of it. "Hey, take a break, go get a drink. I'm here now."
"Ummm.. ok," Tails thought for a bit before leaving the room, Vanilla looking on the bed.

He looked absolutely terrified out of his skin, Vanilla could tell. Putting the flowers into a jug, she smiled gently. Moving across the floor, he keep his eyes on her, not blinking once.
"He thinks we're going to hurt him more," Vanilla realised, showing her palms to him.
Moving incredibly slowly, she eventually was stood right next to him, Topaz surprised.
"Wow. Even Tails hasn't been able to get that close. Hey, see if you can get him to at least drink some water."
Nodding, she handed the water over, and surprisingly he took it.
"He's like my child to me," Vanilla admitted, "They all are. But Sonic doesn't have a parent figure, and I try to do my best to fit that roll in,"

She walked back over to Topaz, "Just give him time, and his space. He'll come round, I promise. Oh, look at the time! I've got to go, I promised Rouge tea at mine,"


"So, what's on your mind dearie?" Vanilla poured the tea.
"Me?" Rouge laughed, "Oh sugarplum! Nothing at all!"
Vanilla gave her a look handing over the tea.
"Ok, ok you win," Rouge gave in, "I've kinda got a crush on someone,"
"Knuckles?" Vanilla assumed.
"Haha. No," Rouge chuckled, before blushing.

"It's Wave. But the problem is, I don't know if she's... you know..."
"Well, all you can do is ask, dearie," Vanilla looked into her tea mysteriously.
"If not, you'll just never know."

At that moment, Vector walked in, grinning. "All's well that end's well! Case cracked!" He then checked his watch, "Sweet Gaia below! It's time to get the kids!"

"Ok," Rouge leapt out of the couch, "that's my cue to get out of here. Thanks for the advice, Vanilla! I'll be sure to take it."


"Hey kids!" Vector greeted, Cream running over to her mother and giving her a hug, "Can we go see mr. Sonic now?"
The two adults gave each other a look, before looking back at the little girl.
"Sonic said that we could see him when I finished my school for summer," She was confused as to why they was so confused, "remember mother?"

"Oh dearie..." Vanilla bent down to her level, stroking behind her ear, "I should have told you before, I forgot. But Sonic was ambushed yesterday... he was injured pretty badly..." she sighed.
"Whaaat?!" Cream cried, "Why would somebody do that?"
Vanilla shook her head, not wanting to say Infinite.
"Can we please go see him? I made this," She then proudly held up a flower crown, "Maybe he'll feel better with this?"
Nodding, Vanilla hoped that Cream wouldn't be too worried when she saw his condition, but then again, she didn't want to hide something from her kids if they asked.

And so, for the second time that day, she headed up to the hospital, finding it to be quite busy.
It only took about ten minutes for them to reach the right room, but Vanilla turned to her daughter before heading in, "Listen Cream. Be very quiet, Sonic is resting and probably won't talk or even make eye contact." She warned.

Of course, despite being told, Cream had to take a second to look at the state he was in. Currently, he had the busted leg propped up in some cushions, and was sat reading a book. The heart monitors still there, along with the needles along his arm. Hearing the noise, he looked up and smile a bit at the rabbits.
"Hey there. You're looking better," she greeted, turning to Tails, whom nodded, "Absolutely, though he still won't let Shadow in, which sucks saying that he actually works here."

"Hello mr Sonic," Cream whispered, "Today was my last day, and I promised that I'ld tell you all about it, so I came!" She whispered. Sonic looked at the chair, motioning for her to sit on it.

Looking closely, Vanilla realizes that his ruby was no where to be seen, and she guessed he didn't want anything to do with Phantom Ruby at the moment.
That must be what the notebook and pen was for.

For about an hour and a half, Cream continued to talk all about her school year, Sonic listening intently, sometimes writing some things down for her to read.
Eventually, Vanilla told her daughter that it was time to go.
"Bye, mr Sonic! Get well soon!" Cream waved goodbye, Vanilla relieved that she hadn't asked who his attacker was.

From back in that small room, Sonic smiled to himself. That kid's gonna grow up to be something special for real. Thanks again Cream.

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