Breakfast and Small Talk

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"Ah! What? Where?" Sonic awoke with a start, confused at where he was, "Where am I? What the heck, is Eggman behind this?" Looking over the couch, he saw Cream having breakfast and blushed.

"Morning," Vanilla responsed, "Sleep well?"
"Heh, I guess I must have. What happened anyway?"
"Nothing. You just crashed on the couch when I was reading Cream's bedtime story," the Rabbit explained, Sonic turning even redder.
"Oh, um.. well.. oops.." he stumbled, embarrassed that he'd let himself fall asleep on somebody's other couch.
"No, no. Don't worry about it!" Vanilla convinced, "You just looked so peaceful and we didn't want to disturb you," she then glanced at the clock, "Oh, my Cream. We need to go in ten minutes." It was a Tuesday, so Cream had school.
"Can mr. Sonic drop me of as well?" Cream asked, Vanilla looking over at the blue, who just nodded. Why not? I owe them, after all.


"Bye Mother! Bye mr. Sonic!" Cream yelled as she walked inside the building, the two waving as a familiar face walked up to them.
"Karen? Long time no see, I haven't seen you since when you needed help finding Spencer," Sonic greeted, surprised when Karen beamed back at him.
"Sonic! I never got to thank you for saving my little boy. Thank you so much, I don't know where I would have been without you," she held out her hand, "Can we put everything I said behind us?"
Cautiously, Sonic took it. He's always believed in as many chances as it took for someone to have a change of heart.

Back in Vanilla's car, the rabbit noticed him looking out the window a little zoned out, "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Huh?" What me? Nothing?"
Vanilla raised an eyebrow, making Sonic sigh.
"Ok. People like Karen make me think that the only reason why people like me is because I'm a hero,"
"Well, that's not true," Vanilla told him. "I like you very much. You're kind, funny, and always ready to be there for someone, even if that someone has hurt you before,"
"I think I annoy people," he admitted.
"If people find you annoying, that's their problem," Vanilla finished as she pulled into the driveway, "Now, do you have any plans for today?" She asked, Sonic shaking his head.
"No. I don't tend to make plans. Even if I did, I'ld probably forget,"

"Well, why don't we go out for some breakfast, my treat?" She asked, "let me just go inside and grab something," she didn't even wait for an answer before she disappeared inside.
A few moments later, and she reappeared with a handbag.
"You.. don't have to.." Sonic tried to convince her, but she just shook her head.
"No, no. I won't hear it," she firmly said, backing out of her driveway.


"Anything you want, I can get it," Vanilla told the blue one as he looked through the menu.
"What do you want?" Sonic asked suspiciously.
"Want? Nothing Sonic!" Vanilla laughed, "Why would you think that?"
"Well, because you're being overly nice to me. Generally that means that people want something in return," Sonic explained.
"No, Sonic! Of course not! It's called being hospitable. You're my guest, so it's my job to make you feel welcome,"

"I fell asleep on your couch," Sonic deadpanned, "I would hardly call that being an invited guest,"
"We invited you to our house, did we not?" Vanilla responded with, "Just, trust me when I say that I actually like you,"

"I think I have trust issues," he admitted.

"I'm not surprised," Vanilla wasn't sure what else to say.
"They just left me there, Vanilla," he spoke again.
"Who?" The rabbit wasn't quite sure what he meant by that.
"Tails. Knuckles. Amy. All of them. They never came for me. I waited, six months, for them to come and save me, like I had done for them before, but they never came. Yet they tell me that I've always got them. But do I?" He blurted it out at once, "How can I trust people? One thing I realized during the war, was that I'm my #1"

At that moment, one of the waiters appeared at the table, "Are you ready to order?"
"Yes. I think?" Vanilla looked across at Sonic, who just nodded, "I'll have the full breakfast along with a tea, thank you,"
"I'll have the scones with an ice latte, no caffeine, thanks"
The waiter nodded before walking off, Vanilla having a new question.
"Sonic, if you don't mind me asking, are you British?"
"What? No? Why?" Sonic laughed a little.
"It's just you really like food like scones, and the way you have your tea," Vanilla explained.
"Oh, no. It was Blaze that introduced me that that. Maybe I seem a little British as well because of I was technically King Arthur," he shrugged, that last part confusing Vanilla, "I'm actually from Christmas Island,"

"You're Australian?"  Vanilla almost choked on her food, "Who knew? Where your parents Australian as well?"
Sonic stopped and looked down at his food, "I never had them,"

Vanilla felt so bad after that, "Sonic, I didn't know-"
"No, it's fine. Can't miss something you've never had," the was then a bit of awkward silence, "I was brought up by an elderly owl called Longclaw. She was the closest thing I ever had to a mother, despite me just being one in a lot of kids she looked after,"
"Did you grow up in an orphanage?" Vanilla asked.

"I don't really like talking about it. I prefer just living in the now," he turned back to the breakfast, Vanilla thinking to herself I never knew that about him, I just assumed that he had parents like Tails and Amy, but I just never saw them.

Her thoughts was interrupted by another Möbian coming up to the table, "Hi, hope you don't mind me coming here," Sonic raised his head and saw that it was non other then Mike's mother.
"No, sit down," Vanilla answered, smiling.
"I never got to thank you properly for keeping my son in check,"

"Oh, no problem," Sonic smiled a little.
"I was wondering, tonight I needed a babysitter for Mike. You're the only one he listens to. What I'm saying is, please babysit Mike for me!" The cat asked, Sonic thinking about it.
Well I can't really say no, she did save me from those officers.
"Ok, what time?" He asked, making his mind up.

Mike's mom grinned, "Amazing! Around 6 pm then?"
"Ugh.. yeah sure?" He had no idea why he was getting himself into this.
As the two finished their breakfast, they parted ways, Vanilla going to the park with Vector, Sonic back home so that Tails didn't think that he was dead
But that one thing still played on his mind

My chaos why did I agree to watch Mike?

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