My Room or Yours?

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"I can't believe you're making me do this," Camila grumbled as she carried her bag out of the small airport in St. Barts. 

"I have a feeling you'll be singing a different tune when we get to the resort," Camila's best friend, Shelby, said with a flip of her long red hair. Camila and Shelby met their junior year of high school. The redhead had transferred to the same Miami high school that Camila went to and the small brunette jumped at the opportunity to make a new friend. And she succeeded. Within the week, they had spent a large majority of the time they weren't spending at school in Camila's bedroom studying together, watching Friends, and sharing their favorite songs. The rest was history and ever since then the two girls were inseparable. 

"I'm doing this for you," Shelby reminded her best friend. "You need to get out of this funk and get back on your feet! A tropical vacation to St. Barts is exactly what you need." Camila knew Shelby was right but that didn't make the comfort of her bed back home sound any less inviting.

"I know...but I just broke up with my boyfriend! I'm allowed to be in a funk."

"You two broke up a month ago. It's time to get back on your feet, bestie!" Shelby grabbed Camila's shoulders and shook her, making her short best friend finally crack a smile. "Besides, he was a dick. You have no reason to be crying over a douche canoe like him — I promise."

"Easy for you to say," Camila huffed under her breath. "You weren't the one in love with him..." Shelby snapped her head towards Camila and furrowed her brows. 

"No. None of that. That asshole cheated on you with nearly every girl in Miami-Dade county. You don't get to be sad over him. Pissed? Sure. You can be pissed. But I'm not letting you be heartbroken anymore." Camila rolled her eyes and followed her best friend out of the airport and into a taxi that had been waiting outside. 

As much as Camila wanted to be grumpy and somber, she couldn't deny the beauty of the island when she stepped outside. She was an island girl at heart and Shelby knew that — hence why she decided that a tropical getaway was exactly what she needed to get out of the breakup-induced slump she had been in. 

"Get in the car, loser," Shelby called from the taxi. "You'll have plenty of time to drool over the sights when we get to the resort." Camila rolled her eyes and passed off her suitcase to the taxi driver, watching him put it in the trunk as she got in the backseat with Shelby. The drive was short and the resort was beautiful. So beautiful, in fact, that Camila literally gasped when the taxi driver pulled up to the entrance. 

"You didn't tell me it was this nice," Camila whispered in awe.

"Right? Daddy did good." Shelby got out of the car and once again Camila found herself rolling her eyes at the redhead. The entire trip was paid for by Robert — a sixty-two year old business mogul who would give Shelby whatever she asked for in return for some kisses and cuddles. Camila wasn't thrilled the first time she heard about Shelby's sugar daddy but he seemed to be fairly harmless and Shelby absolutely loved their relationship and how much she benefited from it so Camila eventually gave her blessing. Well, she gave her blessing enough to also benefit from her best friend's galavanting.

"Alright," Shelby started as they walked into the large and elegant lobby. "We're going up to our suite just long enough to change into our bikinis and then we're going to the poolside bar for alcohol and sunbathing. No exceptions."

"Are you sure we can't take a nap first or something?" Camila grumbled. "I'm tired."

"What the fuck do you mean you're tired?"

"Ever heard of travel exhaustion?"

"Nope!" Shelby giggled as she grabbed the room keys from the lady behind the front desk and practically danced her way to the elevator. Camila sighed and shook her head before somewhat reluctantly following behind her best friend. 

WatermelonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora