Potato Soup & A Newborn Baby

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"Hi bestie!" Camila chirped into her phone as she jumped over the back of her couch, slumping down into the soft cushions.

"God, I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever!" Shelby whined. "I mean, aside from texting. I missed your cute voice."

"I missed yours too," Camila giggled. "How have things been back in Miami?"

"Good — pretty much the same...but there's a very important reason that I'm calling you!"

"Oh yeah?"

"Yes! Robert and I picked a date for the wedding. And you have to be there because you're my maid of honor, obviously."

"Damn. I don't even get a say in the matter?"

"Like you would ever say no to me!" Shelby scoffed. "But for real, mark your calendar for September 27th. Your bestie is getting hitched!"

"This September 27th? Shel, that's like...three months from now!"

"I know, I know! That's why I'm telling you to hurry up and mark your calendar now."

"Well consider my calendar marked," Camila chuckled. "For real, Shel. I'm so happy for you. So...tell me about the wedding. Is it going to be some grand and extravagant party?"

"Yes and no," she sighed. "We're having it here at our house...but also our house is practically a castle."

"So you're keeping it small by your standards?" Camila snorted.

"Yes! Exactly. But enough about my love life...how's pool hottie?"

"Oh my god," Camila sighed dreamily. "It's so good. Like...so fucking good. We've officially made it to the 'I love you' stage, which is a new development that I've been enjoying quite a bit."

"Ooh! So things are getting a little more serious?"

"I guess." Camila bit her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling like an idiot. "I know it might sound crazy but everything just feels so right with him. It's so effortless and natural. Like even the other day I cooked dinner for the kids. He got home from work just as we were sitting down to eat and we all had a good home cooked meal together. It just feels so much like a little family; it's so...real."

"I'm so happy for you. Like really, it makes me so happy to know that you two found each other again...and that your connection wasn't just a fluke — it was real. Hey! You should bring him to the wedding!"

"I should," Camila smiled. "I'll ask him about it. I'm not sure what work looks like for him but I'm sure three months is far enough in advance for him to take some time off. And I'm sure he'd be thrilled to see you again."

"Oh my god," Shelby snorted. "Has he forgiven me for continuously cock-blocking him yet?"

"I think so. Besides, it's been a while since you've blocked us," Camila snorted. Shelby laughed loudly over the phone.

"Ooh! So the sex is still just as magical as it was back in St. Barts?"

"Honestly? I think it might be better. We have to be a bit more creative now with when we do it because of the kids. Maybe that's why — we can't be as reckless or do it as often as we used to so now when it does happen it's like...insane."

"Oh god, I didn't even think about how the kids would affect your sexy time. That's gotta be tough. When's the last time you did it?"

"It's not too bad. And just a few days ago..." Camila dropped her voice to a whisper, despite being the only person in her apartment. "In my office."

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