This Is It

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"So...this is it?" Shelby asked as she looked around Camila's now empty apartment (with the exception of a few boxes that still needed to be carried out). 

"This is it," she sighed. The two best friends stared at each other with tears brimming in their eyes before embracing in a tight hug. "Promise me you'll come visit?"

"Obviously," Shelby huffed out, her voice muffled by Camila's hair. "I'm not missing another chance to pester pool hottie." Both of the girls giggled as they pulled out of the hug.

"Ugh...don't get my hopes up on finding him."

"You're gonna find him! The universe would not have handed you this opportunity unless it was trying to get you two back together."

"I guess," the brunette shrugged. "I'm just worried that maybe it's too late."

"Speaking of late..." Alejandro interjected as he picked up one of the last boxes. "We've gotta get going now if you wanna make your flight." Camila sighed and nodded. The plan was for Camila to fly to Toronto with all of the essentials in her luggage and her parents would ship the rest of her boxes to her new apartment. Luckily for her, the realtor that Leroy had set her up with was able to find an apartment that came fully furnished already so she didn't have to worry about bringing any giant pieces of furniture with her. 

"Go. I don't want you to be late. Besides, that fancy high-rise apartment isn't going to enjoy itself!" Shelby told her. Camila laughed. She hadn't really planned on getting too fancy of a place in Toronto but Leroy insisted that she needed an apartment fit for a Vice President. And her realtor — Karen — definitely found one for her. She had only ever seen it through pictures and FaceTime calls but it looked incredibly luxurious. Shelby squealed when Camila showed her the pictures of her new apartment. As if Shelby wasn't living in one of the nicest homes in Miami thanks to Robert.

"Bye Shel." Camila hugged her again. "I promise I'll come down to visit all the time. And my door is always open for you to come up whenever you'd like."

"Don't tempt me!" the redhead laughed.

And with that, she left her Miami apartment for the very last time. After spending the last month frantically trying to figure out where she'd be living and getting her work visa figured out all while also transitioning to an executive position within the company she truly just couldn't believe that it was finally time to leave Miami.

Her parents drove her to the airport. They said quick but heartfelt goodbyes and sent her on her way.

Just over three hours later, her plane touched down in Canada. Her realtor texted her and let her know that she was going to meet her at her new apartment building. Since her new position came with a company car she decided to sell her old vehicle back in Miami. So until she had her new car — she was stuck with a rental. She plugged the address of her new apartment building into her phone's GPS and was on her way.

It still didn't seem real. It had all happened so fast that part of her still couldn't believe that this wasn't all just some elaborate dream. As she drove through the city she couldn't help but glance at each person she drove by in hopes that maybe one of them would be the same man she had been dreaming about since that trip to St. Barts nearly two years ago.

Even from the outside, the apartment building was insane. She had looked up pictures of it online but they didn't do the large and modern building justice. This definitely wasn't anything like the apartment building she was living in back in Miami.

Karen met her at the front door and instantly gave her a hug as if they had known each other forever. Camila didn't really mind. She was a hugger too. 

"It's so nice to meet you in person!" 

"It's great to meet you too," Camila replied with a smile. "Thank you so much for helping find somewhere to live so last minute. I really do appreciate it."

"Well, don't thank me just yet! You haven't even seen the apartment in person yet." The older woman nudged Camila with her elbow playfully. "I have a feeling you'll love it even more when you see it, though. It's gorgeous." The two women made their way into the elevator along with all of Camila's luggage. "So...have you ever been to Toronto before?"

"I haven't," Camila replied with a chuckle. "I'm moving here blindly."

"I think you'll love it," Karen replied with a wink as they continued up towards the top of the building. "I personally live just outside the city but my son lives around here and he loves it. He's got a cute little brick house just a few blocks from here. He's actually about your age...if you need someone to show you around the city I'd be happy to get you two connected." She wiggled her eyebrows at Camila with a smile. Camila just giggled and shook her head.

"I think I'll pass for now...but I'll let you know if I change my mind."

The elevator dinged and the doors opened up on one of the highest floors of the building. Karen led her to one of the few units on that floor, pulling a key out of her pocket and unlocking the door before holding it open for Camila. Camila gasped. It was even more beautiful in person. Definitely way too much for just one person — but she wasn't about to complain about how nice her apartment was. She wasn't crazy.

"This is...stunning. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you again for finding this for me, Karen."

The realtor gave her a tour of the large apartment — showing her all of the amenities both in her specific unit and in the building itself before leaving Camila to unpack and get settled in.

By the time Camila was done unpacking the sun was setting over the city. She walked over to the floor-to-ceiling windows that surrounded her apartment and stared out at the sight. It was beautiful. Watching the sunset or sunrise from her office back in Miami was always one of her favorite things because it was just so damn beautiful. Toronto was proving to be quite beautiful too — just in a different way. 

She pulled her phone from her pocket and took a picture of the sunset over the skyline and sent it to Shelby. 

S: you made it!! is that your view?? its GORG!

C: isn't it?!? It's not Miami...but it is insanely beautiful. 

S: how's unpacking going? does it feel like home yet? LOL

C: I'm unpacked but so far it still just feels like a fancy hotel. lmao. i do have a couple candles burning though to help with the homey vibes!

S: have you found prince charming yet?

C: very funny.

S: I'm just looks like you've got a pretty good view of the city. grab a pair of binoculars and start searching girl!!!

Camila smiled at the text before sliding her phone back into her pocket. The thought had been plaguing her since she found out she'd be moving. What if she never found him? What if she was too late? What if he found someone else? Did she move to Toronto because she truly wanted the new job or did she move because part of her thought that maybe Shelby was right about the universe trying to bring her and Shawn back together? 

She didn't know. All she knew was that it was too late to change her mind now. 

A/N: thanks so much for all the love you're showing this story!! i really appreciate it so much. i have another story i'm updating between updates for this story called "best friend"! its a cutesy lil slow burn if that's the kind of thing you're into :)

btw - totally wasn't planning on Karen being the realtor but ichibanichigo mentioned it in a comment on the last chapter and i decided it was too good of an idea to pass up LOL

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