You're Gonna Kill Me

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"Wow," Camila said quietly as she stepped into the large suite. The room was even more grand than the pictures Shelby had shown her at dinner depicted. The floors were tiled with marble and the decor was opulent and romantic. The ceilings were, in fact, lined with mirrors and the indoor hot tub sat in one corner of the large room. Camila giggled when she saw a half-eaten plate of chocolate covered strawberries with the word 'congratulations' written across the plate, also in chocolate.

"Sorry about that," Shawn chuckled. "You can have some if you want. They're pretty good. They were sitting on the bed when I checked in."

"When did you get here?" Camila asked, lifting one of the strawberries to her lips. She couldn't help but notice the way his eyes stayed focused on her lips wrapping around the sweet fruit.

"Yesterday," he said before clearing his throat. "In the afternoon." He took a step toward her as she swallowed the last of the strawberry, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her closely. "Can I kiss you?" he breathed out. "It's all I've been thinking about since we parted ways earlier today..."

"I'd love it if you kissed me," she honestly replied, getting even closer to him than she already was. "But you know what I'd love more?"


"If said kissing happened in that hot tub." Camila nodded toward the small jacuzzi that sat in the corner of the suite. She watched as the tall man in front of her raised his brows and bit his bottom lip, glancing towards the tub.

"I could get on board with that."

"Good," Camila responded. Before her confidence could waver at all, she grabbed the bottom of her tank top and pulled it off over her head and tossed it aside, letting it land somewhere on the floor of his room. Shawn's eyes widened and his cheeks grew pink, shaking his head with a dark chuckle.

"You're gonna kill me," he said under his breath. He grabbed her by the hand and led her over to the hot tub, turning on the water and jets before sitting on the edge of the tub and pulling her between his legs, his hands resting on her lower back as he leaned in and kissed her. She instantly moved her hands to the back of his head, threading her fingers into the brown curls at the nape of his neck. His hands slowly moved down to her small denim shorts, slipping into the back pockets and squeezing handfuls of her butt in his hands. She moaned into his mouth and he gladly accepted it.

"Take them off," she breathed out as she pulled away ever so slightly. "Please." She didn't need to tell him twice. He quickly moved his hands from the back pockets to the front of her shorts, unbuttoning and unzipping them before letting them fall to the floor. He winced when he heard the thud of what he assumed was her cellphone in her pocket hitting the marble floor.


"It's okay," Camila replied. "I'm sure it's fine." She hooked her thumbs into the waistband of his gray sweatpants and tugged them down, humming happily at the sight of the tent that was already forming in his Calvin Klein underwear. She held his hand as she stepped into the tub and let herself sink into the hot water. "Join me?" Shawn cleared his throat and nodded before joining her in the tub and almost immediately pulling her onto his lap. She rested a leg on either side of him, straddling him as she leaned in and kissed him again. She didn't even bother trying to avoid grinding against him. It's not like they weren't both intensely aware of where this night was going.

A 'ding' echoed from the cellphone still in Camila's shorts on the floor. Shawn pulled away slightly but Camila quickly pulled him back.

"Ignore it." He was going to argue with her. Instead, he just kept kissing her, his hands gripping her ass as she continued to grind against him.

Her phone dinged again.

"Are you sure you don't want to check it?"

"I'm sure. There are other things I want more right now."

" what? Tell me."

"How about I just show you instead?" She reached behind her back and untied her bikini top, letting it fall from her chest before tossing it aside. His eyes widened slightly before his tongue darted out between his lips, moistening them. She opened her mouth to speak again but was cut off by the feeling of his mouth on her breasts. She whimpered quietly at the feeling, continuing to rock against him.

And then her phone dinged again.

Shawn pulled away, clearly a bit annoyed by whoever was trying to interrupt their night.

"I'm really sorry," Camila sighed, moving off of him and reaching out of the tub to grab the cell phone that was in her shorts pocket. She checked her text notifications and rolled her eyes. Of course they were all from Shelby.

S: Have fun!! make sure he doesn't kill you!!!
S: Also pls make sure he wraps it up. I'm too young to be an auntie.
S: And ffs Mila PLEASE make sure he goes down on you or else this whole thing was literally just a giant waste of time

"Who is it? Everything okay?"

"Yes," Camila grumbled. "It's Shelby — my friend that I'm here with."

"The same one that interrupted us earlier today?" Camila nodded. "Let me talk to her." Shawn reached forward and snatched the phone from her hands. Camila yelped in protest, knowing she'd be more than embarrassed by him seeing the texts that Shelby had sent her. He read over the texts and snorted before typing out a response, silencing her phone, and tossing it back down onto the pair of shorts on the floor of his hotel room. "There. She shouldn't bother us anymore. Now where were we?"

They didn't stay in the tub much longer. They were both far too worked up and impatient. They patted each other dry with one of the fluffy white towels that were provided by the hotel before crawling onto the large bed together.

The whole night was perfect. The sex was perfect. He was perfect.

Too perfect, almost. As much as she loved how she benefited from his talents there was still the thought in the back of her mind that this was all too good to be true. Of course, he did live in another country. Maybe that was the fatal flaw that ruined any chance of them having something real outside of this week in St. Barts.

Maybe Shelby was right. Maybe this was dangerous. Maybe this would do nothing but make her heart hurt even more than it already did — especially now that she knew all of the incredible things he could do to her with just his body. His hands. His tongue.


She looked over at the alarm clock on the nightstand; it was nearly 3 AM. She glanced back at the beautiful man sleeping naked next to her on the mattress before reluctantly rolling out of bed and getting dressed.

In an ideal world, she wouldn't be leaving. In an ideal world, they'd wake up together and enjoy a hot round of morning sex before eating breakfast in bed together courtesy of room service. But right now she needed to be smart, and the smart thing to do would be to draw a clear line in the sand. This wasn't real. They couldn't be anything real. This was sex. A rebound. It was meaningless.

It was meaningless, she repeated in her head as she double checked that she had all of her things. She took one last glance towards the bed where he slept before inhaling deeply and pulling open the door to his room, stepping out into the hallway and quietly closing the door behind her as to not wake him up. Once the door was shut, she pulled her phone out of her back pocket. It was then that she realized she still hadn't seen the text that he had sent Shelby. Suddenly she felt hot with embarrassment all over again. Bracing herself for the worst, she opened her texts.

Don't worry. I won't kill her and I promise to wear a condom. And obviously I'll go down on her. That's literally my favorite part. I will now be putting her phone on silent as we have some important business to attend to. :) -Shawn

Camila giggled. Although she was still completely and utterly embarrassed, his response was sweet. She slid her phone back into her pocket and looked at his door one last time before mustering up the strength and self-control to walk back to her own suite instead of crawling back into bed with him.

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