Jace Slays a Dragon

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[spicy time incoming]

Shawn sighed heavily, running his hand through his messy curls before grabbing his backpack and shoving his things back into it — ready to head home for the night. He slung the bag over his shoulder and flicked the light switch to his office off, shutting the door behind him as he left.

"You done for the night?" Gladis asked, looking up from some paperwork she was in the middle of processing.

"Yeah. Finished with my last client of the day about half an hour ago so I'm gonna go home for the night and chill with my own kiddos."

"Nothing sweeter than that," she smiled. "You enjoy. I'll see you tomorrow, hun."

"Bye Gladis!" Shawn pushed the glass door open and walked out to his car, eagerly driving back to the little house they called home. He walked through the front door to see Jace on the couch playing video games while Maggie stood at a little toy kitchen set pretending to bake a cake.

"Daddy!" Maggie squealed, dropping the little plastic pan she was holding and running excitedly towards him. She wrapped her tiny arms around his leg and hugged him tight before he even had the chance to set his bag down.

"Hi stinky!" He slipped his backpack off and set it aside, leaning down to pick up the toddler. "Were you good today?"

"Um...maybe!" the little girl shrugged. Shawn chuckled and looked to Jace, who snorted out a laugh.

"She's been good. She's made, like, twenty different meals at her little kitchen over there. I'm still hungry though so I'm not sure what good it is."

"Want me to order pizza?"

"Again?" Jace joked. It was day two of Camila being in Miami and her absence was definitely felt — especially when it came to the quality of dinner. Camila had certainly been spoiling them with delicious homemade meals and now that she was gone they were back to settling for Shawn's biggest skill in the kitchen: calling and placing to-go orders. "Let's get Chinese food."

"Will do." Shawn set Maggie back down on the floor, watching her immediately waddle back to her toy kitchen as he stepped back into his bedroom to change out of his work clothes and into some sweatpants. The moment he took his pants off, his phone started ringing. He smiled when he saw the caller ID and instantly answered the call.

"Hi baby. Whatcha up to?"

"Oh, I just got back to my hotel room and was wondering what you were doing..." Camila replied in a sultry, melodic tone.

"I can tell by your voice what you're implying, you know..." he told her with a quiet chuckle. "I just got home — getting ready to order dinner for the kids and I. As much as I'd like to, I don't think we can do anything right now..."

"Okay," she sighed. "Later tonight? I'm grabbing dinner with Shelby but after that I'll be all alone in my hotel room with nothing to do..."

"You know I don't need any convincing, right? The second Maggie falls asleep and Jace goes up to his room I'm locking myself in our room and calling you."

"Good," Camila giggled. "How's your day been? Good day at work?"

"Yeah, not too bad. I just got home. Jace is playing video games and Maggie is cooking pretend meals. Now I'm changing into sweatpants. Gonna order some Chinese takeout for dinner. I think Jace is missing your cooking."

"Did you say you're changing into sweatpants right now?"

"Yes, perv," Shawn snorted.

"Mm...tell me more."

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