We're Getting Married

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[slight spiciness ahead]

"We're getting married!" Camila squealed in such a high pitch that it made Shawn wince. She grabbed his arm and squeezed it in excitement as he drove them to the airport to pick up Camila's family. "Like, today! We're getting married today! By the end of the night you'll literally be my husband...isn't that crazy?"

"It is crazy," Shawn laughed. He loved how excited she was to be married to him. He was excited too — he just didn't squeal as much as she did. "What are you gonna wear?"

"The groom can't know what the bride is gonna wear before the wedding," Camila scoffed. "But I can tell you I'll look adorable in it."

"Well obviously." Shawn turned into the airport pickup lane. "I'm just trying to figure out what I should wear. How dressed up should I get?"

"Hm...I think you should wear your nice jeans — the dark ones. And a white button up, but leave the first few buttons undone...and roll the sleeves up. Also your boots, the nice black ones."

"I feel like you just suggested everything you think I look hot in."

"That's exactly what I did."

Shawn snorted. "Alright. If that's what my baby wants to see me in at our wedding, then that's what I'll wear."

He put the car in park at the same moment that Camila saw her mom, dad, and sister walk out of the sliding doors of the airport. She squealed again, quickly unbuckling and running to greet them.

"Guys! Welcome to Canada! How are you? How was your flight?"

"It was good!" Sinu answered, hugging her daughter.

"I'm not sure how you'd know considering you were asleep for the whole thing..." Ale nudged his wife with his elbow. She glared at him.

"I was not!"

"Yes you were mama..." Sofi chimed in. "You kept snoring. It was so embarrassing."

"Oh, hush!" Sinu waved off her youngest daughter and husband, making both Shawn and Camila laugh. "What about you two? How are you? Today's the big day! Feeling nervous?"

"I'm not nervous." Camila shrugged and looked at Shawn for his response.

"Not even a little." He smiled at Camila and she smiled back. Sinu beamed.

"Oh, you two! So cute. I can't handle it."

"Neither can I." Sofi crossed her arms in front of her chest and grimaced. Sinu shot her a look that Camila knew all too well — one that simply meant "behave".

"Pass me your bags," Shawn stated holding his hands out. "I'll load them up into the back."

"Got room for one more bag?"

Camila turned swiftly at the sound of the familiar voice. And then it happened again: the excited squealing.

"Shelby! What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here?" she laughed. "Um, in case you forgot...you're getting married today! I wasn't gonna miss that."

"I can't believe I didn't think to invite you...I wasn't sure you'd be willing to fly to another country just for a courthouse wedding."

"It's okay," Shelby shrugged. "Luckily pool hottie did think to invite me. And I got a good nap in during the flight. Your mom's snoring makes a pretty decent white noise." The two girls laughed and hugged.

"Alright, alright," Shawn spoke up. "Everybody pile in. We've got a wedding to get ready for."

Their plan was to let Camila's family and Shelby get settled into their hotel and then they'd all meet back up for lunch. They originally were just gonna meet back up when it was time to start getting ready for the wedding, but Camila's parents were antsy to meet the kids and they figured a quick lunch date would be the best way to do that. They dropped them off at the hotel and then headed back to their house for a bit.

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