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"So," Shelby began, sipping on the glass of white wine that she had ordered with her fancy dinner. "Tell me about sexy mystery tattoo man." She clasped her hands in front of herself excitedly, waiting to hear all about Camila's interactions with the handsome stranger she had met at the poolside bar.

"Well I'd know more about him if someone didn't so rudely interrupt us." Camila narrowed her eyes at the spunky redhead across from the small two person table. Shelby just rolled her eyes.

"Listen, I know that you're a grown-ass woman and can make your own choices but I just felt like maybe things were progressing a little too quickly..."

"What?" Camila gasped. "You were literally the person who told me to hook up with him! That whole 'best way to get over someone is to get under someone else' speech? Ring a bell? He totally heard you say that, by the way."

"Oh..." Shelby's face contorted into a cringe. "That's embarrassing for you. At least he didn't seem to mind!"

"Stay on topic, Shelb. You convinced me to hook up with him and then almost immediately cock-blocked me. What gives?"

"I didn't think you'd go that far with him and when I saw you two sneak into the cabana I panicked! Look, I'm not saying you can't have some fun while we're here on vacation...but I just want you to be cautious, okay?"

"I don't think he's gonna kill me, Shelby," Camila chuckled. "He's harmless."

"I'm sure he is. That's not what I'm talking about." Shelby took another sip of her wine before sighing heavily. "Look, Mila...you're a very emotional person. You like forming connections with people. You're not the type of girl who does casual hook ups...but you are the kind of girl who would fall in love with a guy on vacation who she's bound to never see again."

"So you're telling me I'm not allowed to see him anymore?"

"Of course not," Shelby scoffed. "You can do whatever you want. I just...be cautious, okay? This trip is supposed to be about helping you get over your ex, and if Shawn is going to help you do that...then great! But I also don't want you to leave this vacation sad that there's now an additional guy making your heart hurt."

"It's casual," Camila shrugged. "And it's not like he's looking for anything super serious either. I appreciate your concerns, but I know what I'm doing."

"And what are you doing? Him?" Shelby wiggled her eyebrows suggestively. Camila snorted.

"No! I mean...not yet, at least."

"What did you two do in the cabana, Camila?" The redhead asked the question as if she were Camila's mother interrogating her. Camila just laughed and shook her head.

"We just talked."

"Pretty impressive that 'just talking' can give you a hickey like that." Shelby nodded towards Camila, eyeing her neck. The brunette's eyes widened and looked down, trying to find the hickey that her best friend was referring to. "Ha! So you did do more than talk. You wouldn't have even bothered checking if you had 'just talked' Mila..."

"Ok, first of all — that was a rude little trick. Second of all, mind your business! If I wanna make out with a hot guy I found by the pool then that's my right." Shelby giggled and shook her head.

"So...tell me about him."

"He's the cutest. Incredibly charming. He's from Canada — Toronto, specifically. He's a social worker and is in school to get his degree in child psychology."

"Seems like he's got a good head on his shoulders. Speaking of good head..."

"Shelby!" Camila gasped. "I told you, we didn't quite get that far considering a certain nosy redhead decided to so rudely interrupt us."

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