Taco Night

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Camila sat at the desk in her large high-rise office in downtown Toronto, her fingers tapping away at the keyboard as she typed out an email to Leroy, her boss back in Miami.

"Ms. Cabello, I have Shawn Mendes on line one asking to speak with you."

Her secretary's voice through the phone's paging system distracted her from what she had been typing.

"Okay, thank you," she quickly replied before grabbing the phone and pressing the button to connect her to line one.

"Hey handsome," she answered. 

"Hi baby," he replied, his tone already apologetic. "Look, I really hate to do this to you — especially since you're working — but I have kind of a massive favor to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"Is there any chance you'd be able to watch Maggie for a few hours? I had intended on having the day off but something came up last minute and I have to go. Jace is at school and both my parents are working and I don't have anyone to watch her so I just thought that maybe—"

"Shawn—" she interrupted. "Bring her here. I can handle it."

"Are you sure? I know this is really inconvenient for you—"

"Bring her over," she reiterated. "I promise, it's okay. I can watch her for as long as you need."

"You're an angel. I promise I'll make it up to you. We're in the car now; we should be there in like...five minutes."

"Okay. I'll see you in a few."

Less than ten minutes later there was a gentle knock on her office door before it was pushed open, revealing Shawn standing there with a duffle bag on one arm and Maggie perched up in the other. Camila stood up from her desk and walked over to greet them.


"Hey," he sighed before leaning down and giving his girlfriend a quick peck on the lips. Camila wasn't quite sure what the rule was on kissing in front of the kids but Shawn didn't seem to think twice about it and Maggie didn't seem to care. Probably still not a great idea for them to seem too cozy around Jace yet, though. "I can't apologize enough for having to do this. I just really have no other options."

"Don't worry about it," Camila replied as she watched him set the duffle bag down on one of the chairs in her office. "I told you, it's not a big deal. I don't have any big meetings or anything today so I was just gonna be hanging out in here anyway. Might as well have company."

"Well, still. Thank you. And again, I promise I'll make it up to you." He gave her a subtle wink before looking down at the toddler in his arms. "Whatcha think? Wanna spend the day with Camila?"

"Yeah!" the little girl squealed and clapped. Camila held her hands out and Maggie immediately reached out for her. Once the little girl was in Camila's arms Shawn gave them both a quick kiss before heading out.

From the second that Maggie's little feet hit the floor of Camila's office, she was instantly entranced by the view from the large floor-to-ceiling windows. She spent a solid ten minutes simply looking through the glass, pointing and blabbering about everything she could see. Shawn had packed some toys and books and snacks in the bag he had left with them but she didn't seem too interested in them. Instead, she seemed to be much more captivated by Camila's computer screen as she worked. The two-year-old sat on Camila's lap as she finished typing out another email.

Maggie was a perfect angel...for the most part. She only started to get a little restless and fussy once, and that was quickly resolved when Camila sat down on the floor with her and read her a book. She remembered that first day at Shawn's house how excited the little girl had gotten about having a book read to her. Clearly she still loved it.

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